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Posts posted by DirtyBoy

  1. Totally agree guys. Our challenge is having the time and manpower to catalog and update the threads. Plus we don't want to make it too easy....some of the best discoveries have come from troopers sifting through their own research....back in the old days we had 5 reference photos lol

  2. Good Day Brothers And Sisters Of The MEPD....

    This goes out as a quick reminder that the SWAT program is the top accreditation for the Sandtrooper costume. We have spent years working out the program to not only reflect

    what you see on screen but to also make it attainable for troopers. What the SWAT requirements are, reflect the minimums to achieve the programs badge of honor. If you set out

    to replicate every detail of what was done on screen 40 years ago, wed love to see it. The program has no limits.....as long as you achieve the already super strict minimum requirements

    you will achieve SWAT status.

    I look at it like this.....Navy Seals or comparable Special Ops units go through an insane amount of training to become the best they can be....Working hard with what they've learned and never giving up.

    However, there will always be a slight difference from one to another.....some will be stronger, faster, be able to hold their breath longer etc etc....But in the end, they are all incredible and respected as the best.

    We are the best.

    Love to you all....

    Rick "Dirty Boy" Bates

  3. Thanks Juan for posting....as always we are on the same page. The Tunasia 76 is a stand alone unit in the lines of what any other non 501st club would be. They will have their own guidelines and are not to be confused with what we are doing here. Troop on brothers and sisters.

  4. Hey brother, welcome to the MEPD!! Glad you found us....

    Although not a perfect kit you'll still have a fun screen inspired sandtrooper. Depending on what your goals are, you may need to do some adjustments. Armor like this is a fun when you are just starting out and you should embrace it.

    Keep us posted on your plans and we will help where we can.

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