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Everything posted by TK6294

  1. I ordered a pair last night. Very fast response and I already have a shipping confirmation. I will post pics when I get them. I am also gonna sell my old 10 1/2 white caboots. They are in good shape bu very scuffed up. I have not been able to get them anywhere close to clean. They would make a great pair of TD boots. PM me if you are interested. I just took some pictures of them...
  2. what is it about the sandtrooper.org pouches that makes them inaccurate? I did not notice anything different in the pictures...
  3. Ok I'll bite.... Where do you find less expensive accurate ones?
  4. Just curious but are the Portland concert promoters giving your costume attendee complimentary tickets? The reason I ask is it is looking like the Dallas promoters will not comp our tickets. So if we want to troop the event we will have to buy our own tickets plus pay +$50 for parking to within a mile of the new cowboys stadium. They want us to troop right before and right after the concert. I went ahead and bought tickets but I refuse to miss one minute of the concert after I paid $85/ticket. It is an issue in our Garrison and I am not sure that we will troop it at all.
  5. Keith, I sent an email to your yahoo address but i have not heard back from you. did you get it? here is the link to the fanboys showing. I hope you can make it... http://www.stargarrison.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10557
  6. Keith, Great looking helmet bro! I am putting the final touches on my own kev's ANH 2.5. I will post some pics when I finish. Did I give you the idea for this project? Are ready to install some fans in that bucket? I sent you an email the other day. Is there any chance you can break away next Thursday to come up for the fanboys/ep1 showing? I am coordinating the event and would live to compare helmets! -Jim, TK6294 north Texas squad
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