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About Shiny

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  1. Can't wait to see the finished product and place my order for one. They REALLY look spot on. The sponginess (is that a word?) just looks great.
  2. Hey guys! I'm a TK currently in the 501st Northeast Remnant Garrison, Kamino Squad and am looking to make the switch over to TD. I'm looking to go as original as possible and am looking to get some links on where I can get a few items. I need the MP40 ammo pouches, but all I can seem to find are the original canvas variety. As I am not looking to mar an original by dying it and I'd like the more screen accurate leather ones, these will not do. Unfortunately, I can't find an appropriate outlet to purchase them from. I have not been able to find a set of two, either. Also, if someone could let me know where I could find someone who sells the conversion set for the armor (ab plate, sniper plate, etc.), I'd appreciate it. Thanks guys for any help you could lend me.
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