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Everything posted by Skodatrooper

  1. I seem to have the same problem that caomhanach is reporting, im on IE6 too, my work to home email isnt supported by IE8, so i may try switching some access to firefox...
  2. Thanks Nol, email sent, cant do a screengrab, unfortunatley... Nick
  3. Just the one hitch, i have to hit the return key 12 times for my cursor to appear down in the bit of the text box that I can see... sorry to step up with an issue after all the work thats gone in. i have emailed the forum email address with a screen pic to show what it looks like. Nick
  4. Well done Jeff, looking good there bro. I hope this message comes through, the text topic box is playing up on my pc! Nick
  5. The new design's looking good Noel, weel done, it works especially well with tdyodas signature.. . p.s. havent said it before, but congrats on being made CO. Nick
  6. Looks like a good, natural mix of colours in that weatherin, well done.
  7. Congratulations Krzysztof , youve joined the elite. Nick
  8. The overall effect looks good, its always hard to tell in photos. I am at the darker end of the scale, and it helps with photos, which we get involved in a lot with our troops. Weathering is personal, just look at as much of the resources available and ask yourself if you are happy with it. Nick
  9. Black canvas works for me, Im a road cyclist, and my legs are out of scale with the rest of me...
  10. Skoda (attention to erm, erm, ah yes detail... ) trooper
  11. Just as a note, Daves stickers on the shoulder bell are ukgarrison official branding, issued to be worn by the 501st uk garrison, so I guess he'll be hiding them rather than removing as its an official 501st thing that we all have. Nick
  12. Just noticed your field pack... The box with the 'bee-sting' should be eliptical, rather than round, like a fridge jug. The lower black box on the left needs a radio on it, and that should sort the pack. Nick
  13. You could also add a length of black elastic, poppered to the lower inside edge of the shoulder bell (goes round the inside of your upper arm and reconnects to the shoulder bell again), to stop it flaring out too. In photo number three, where you are looking to the right, there is something black sticking out behind your lid buddy, is that your neck seal or something else? The weathering looks good. Hope this helps. Nick
  14. Be sure to post up the shots as soon as you get chance. Nick
  15. Looks like a great troop Patrick. The rumours are true about the calibre of tk recruits... I checked the thread as I was hoping it was an advert for an upcoming troop, never mind..
  16. Congrats Derek, Well done, pull up a sandbar in the pit..
  17. Congrats Ryan, you're kit, as I said earlier is very good, welcome to the sandpit..
  18. Thats why I fed you the alien line Dave... Gald youve sorted it.. Nick
  19. and three legged aliens... Just read your earlier post David, anything I can do to help buddy
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