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About jediadigallia

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  1. Thanks for the tips! I will try the brown shoe polish. It looks like it adheres better than the paint. Great website, Marc!
  2. Can it be done? If so, how? I tried to put one layer on, but I got frustrated with the appearance. I have all of the Woodland paints, but I don't want to waste my time if it's not necessary by 501st standards. Any suggestions?
  3. Thanks again for the help. This looks like a much better soulution than trying to trim pieces
  4. you are a bonafied genius. Smaller as in thinner, by the way. If you have any links, I would appreciate it!
  5. Other than very carefully, what is the best way to modify armor to fit a smaller body? If you trim the pieces too small, they don't want to hold together with the velcro because there is too much stress on the two pieces. I want to replace some of the velcro with plastic, but I can't find a plastics store anywhere here where I live or online. Does anyone have a linK to a store?Thanks in advance for the help to a newbie.
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