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Everything posted by TD8828

  1. I just upgraded the lights in my garden to new S/Steel ones and lo and behold these parts stared at me. Possible use on packs?? They are 5" round at the rim and 3" at midpoint and 1.5" deep. They are the plastic tops for Noma moonrays (malibu) garden lights! Comments?
  2. Man is that awesome, I'd better not let my kids see that or there WILL be trouble
  3. Welcome Simon! From the Badlands of Alberta
  4. 501st Legion + MEPD + Garrisons +Trooping + Comradery +Making kids/fans smile = "GOOD" Politics + Infighting +Disrespect +Not Trooping = "BAD" We all need to remember that this is a "hobby" An "escape" NOT real life. The day it gets too "real" will be a sad day for me , and the day I hang up my blaster. I hope that day never comes I love trooping, I love making the kids/fans smile and I'd hate to see that end because of politics!
  5. What should the size of the holes be? 3/8" I think What kind of bit makes the cleanest hole? High speed steel bit, as long as it's sharp Which is better, a high speed or a lower speed? High speed, otherwise the bit will gall up and bind Will a drill press give me any better results than a hand drill? Use a drill press to get your holes lined up on either side of the barrel, I made a jig with some brackets to keep the pipe stationary while drilling Miscellaneous? Take your time and wear safety glasses Good Luck!
  6. You're welcome! Don't forget to post/send a pic with it on
  7. Right now I just do whole packs but when I get some time I may try to do a kit form for those of you in Europe who cannot find some of the parts and still want to do some assembly and painting. It would go together like a model kit with all the pieces pre-drilled, all you would have to do is put the pieces together and paint it. I'm not sure if the postage would be cheaper or not, i'd have to investigate futher. I'll post when I have something.
  8. Hey, I am "that guy" And I agree with the others, try to build one yourself first, thats half the fun! But I offer these packs as an economical way for troopers who have neither the time or ability or tools or whatever to get themselves started. I have sold many packs to 501st members all over the globe with 100% satisfaction! I enjoy making these packs and am certainly not doing it for the money, we all know how much time it takes to make props. This is my hobby and I enjoy doing it. TD8828 aka Multimediamayhem on Ebay
  9. Congratulations!!!! My wife and I are expecting our third in June, we think its going to be a girl hopefully to bring balance to our universe (we have two boys) LOL All the best to you and your family and your new joy!!! TD8828
  10. TD8828

    To Dirty?

    Looks great, can I suggest an addition? I used a brush with very short bristles,maybe 1/4" -1/2" long, dab it into various colors of paint and flick it with your thumb to get a splattered effect like real dirt would do. I found it really helps with those big "white" areas where there is little dirt. It just fills in nicely! I used this technique on mine and although it doesn't show up well in pics,when people look at it it shows well. Good job!
  11. I don't think it really matters , I usually wear my dirtied up grey pauldron just because I like the look but I have one of each - orange,white,black and grey and **** I even own a blood red one I wear with my TX trooper in Stealth Sandy mode TDX style. Wear what you like It's also good to have options for photos.
  12. Overall length is 44" ,25" for the main body tube and 19" for the barrel however I added an extra 6" that slides inside and couples up with the 1" dowel in the main body tube. Inner barrel is the same but a bit shorter. Scopes are 10" front and 11" rear, I also used a 1 1/2" to 1 1/4" ABS reducer where the barrel and body meet. Hope this helps you out!
  13. Hi irob972, basically here is what I used Body: 1.5" ABS pipe(body) 1.5" Abs cap 1" wood dowel( center of body) 1/2" wood dowel for breech load handle Some sump pump hose for breech 3/4" MDF for handle Rubber matting for grips Barrel: 1" thin wall aluminum closet pole (barrel) slots drilled and dremmelled out 1/2" PVC for inner barrel Ammo cartridges: 3" PVC caps x4 glued together with same matting glued to sides 1/4" hardboard for top of ammo cartridge Scopes: Scopes were made from various pieces of pop-up underground sprinkler heads Lenses for scope are caps for bathroom faucets Hexagonal standoffs for scope mounts Wire loom Flat black paint and weathered Blaster looks better in person than in photo. Fairly lightweight and barrel is detachable.[/b]
  14. TD8828


    I used some old seat belt material, the straps are wide and comfortable. I stiched on some other 1" nylon to the ends to add quick connects. I've trooped for four hours at an event and it was like it wasn't even there I have also edged my pack with foam, I used the plumbing pipe wraps from the hardware store, they have a split in them so you can just cut to the length you need and slip them on wherever you need. Hot glue or tiestraps hold it in place.
  15. I posted some pics of my other packs in the BACKPACKS section, I will post some better pics of this pack soon! Thanks
  16. TD8828 My second event pic
  17. Some of you may have already seen some of these but here are a few of my recent creations
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