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Daric LaRone

501st Member
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Posts posted by Daric LaRone

  1. Of course this all benefits me b/c I bought the old pack from my garrison mate Mike and am in the process of upgrading that one as we speak! :lol: Now I can see the before and (optimal) after!

    Great job with the new pack Mike!

    And great talking with you this evening; thanks for the advice on getting suited up to patrol the Hive (of scum and villany of course)!

  2. Yeah, it's weird... I wasn't necessarily going for a specific result persay... it was definitely a progression, stages of weathering I suppose. :)

    You're right- the markings on the dome (which I quite like how they came out personally) could be identified as scorch marks (actually I've classified them as moisture farmer residue :lol: ), but I see them more as a dirt/grime/rust/dewback poodoo build-up if you will... which is actually the technique I used... weathering powder, then a bit of paint, then a bit more powder, until I got what I was looking for. Same with the facial features as well really.

    If one can go so far as to call what we do here "art", then I can totally see how an artist takes a piece through progressions or stages and (somehow) comes out with something he very much likes and others find interesting as well. :D

  3. Thanks guys; I so appreciate it.

    I read somewhere on MEPD that you actually wanted some gloss to still show through b/c it is more screen accurate that way, but I always thought that the gloss would/should be really toned down as you both mentioned. So that will be the final task and I'll only be a parsec away from applying for Deployment.

    I really like the looks of what I've come up with and to get confirmation that my own personal opinion carries a lot of weight makes me feel much better. I'm the one wearing the suit after all right? :)

    Thanks again for the encouragement, compliments, and helpful suggestions; it means a lot. :D

  4. edit: I should note that I realized that this is a duplicate post from a previous thread and I apologize.

    OK, this should be my last request for opinions/impressions.

    Here was the previous attempt...

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    Here is the most recent attempt...

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    Thanks for constructive criticism as always.

  5. Peter and Justus, thanks so much.

    Here is the latest round.

    Tell me please- should I keep posting updates here or open another thread with latest updates?

    Thanks guys for all the feedback. I'm not a very good judge of my own work. ;)

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    Thanks as always for constructive criticism.

  6. Juan, thank you so much; this helps a lot. When I looked at the photos myself I thought the same thing: I too like the way the areas on the top, forehead/temples turned out... I'll tone down the paint all over and try to replicate those blackish/greyish areas on the facial areas, on the sides, and the back. I think the key is patting down/toning down the painted areas and going over it with my weathering powder- that's how I got the areas on the forehead to turn out that way. The weatheirng powder will help with a more dusty look that you mentioned I believe.

    The crevaces, especially in the face, are difficult to get the right mix of paint and weathering powder as you all know... but I'm staying on it.

    Thanks again Juan; any other comments welcome from any troopers.

  7. Thanks man.

    I used weathering powdering from Doc's Caboose... "weathered brown", "dust bowl brown", and "grimy grey".

    I hadn't applied any acrylic paint yet, like I did on my suit, because I wanted to see what it looked like with just the weathering powder. I'll probably do some burnt umber, and tans, and a hint of yellow ochre to match the armor.

    Is it me or does it look kind of bland as it is right now?

  8. I have to go with this one, but always keep in mind that weathering is something personal and sometimes the pictures don't do your work any good due to bad lighting etc..

    Also what Iconoclasta says should be taken into cosideration, but in the end it's all up to you.

    Most troopers over here did their weathering over for several times( I did mine 3 times :huh: ) untill they reached the effect/ result they wanted.

    Practice makes perfect ;)

    This is what I'm finding too- that weathering is a work in progress. I way overdid my first time around and am just about done toning it down. Then I'll walk away and come back.

    I'm no expert but it looks as if you might have used a blackwash technique or something similar, which is fine but is seen more on clones... the earthy colors really do the trick. If you haven't already look into some type of weathering powder or the like.

    Your progress looks great by the way. Keep going!

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