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Everything posted by PNerves

  1. And as a side question- do you have to be a 501 TD? I ask because I am in the 501st now- as a TI, and I plan on submitting my TD for both the 501st and this august body at the same time. Or, do I have to await TD status from the 501st first?
  2. Hardish to see, but on the upper right side of my 65
  3. They are canvas. I have a set, and they are nice, but I didn't go ahead and dye them black and am not going to use them. I know some troops have, though.
  4. I have the same question- except about these (the Swiss police pouches)
  5. Woo hoo!!! Another finished element! The upper torso is done! I'm getting close. The legs are nearly done, but not all that great. The ab and back are next... and the bucket. More worrying ahead... http://pnerves.com/buildingarmor.htm
  6. Good luck, recover fast
  7. A couple more days of work. I'm really glad I've decided to go straight weathered on this, because my armor is getting pretty beat up- and the mistakes... yeah. Anyway, I have run into real trouble with the leg pieces- I just can't seem to make them work... and I glued the thigh shims on the wrong side! Advice please http://pnerves.com/buildingarmor.htm
  8. I'm needing 501st access too. Thanks!
  9. Isn't the purpose of the MEPD to be the best Sandys in the Legion? I think that besides being the most accurate, we also represent the true essence of what a sandtrooper is all about- a grunt on a crap station. That's why I don't think any of the requirements should be simplified. When the masses see a dirty trooper with a pauldron, pouches, BFG and pack- they know exactly what's up. As I see it, the ab and knee plate are for us- to be accurate- but the BFG, the dirt, the pauldron, the ammo pouches, and the pack are for the people who see us in the streets on a troop. That's what they recognize as a sandtrooper. The cost issues are valid, but I've built a pack and a BFG for about $50, so it can be done. I'm not a big canon warrior, and if people troop without a pack or without a BFG, that's great- but why back off on what makes this detachment so much **** fun?
  10. I know mine would not have worked. I have a 3 1/2 inch gap between the front and the back.
  11. Here's how I did mine- nylon webbing pop riveted to the front and back, ribbed shoulder straps glued in. The shoulder straps carry no weight at all. I could have made smooth shoulder straps out of my scrap, but I didn't. I also forgot to put the snap in the nylon for the shoulder bell and bicep straps, so... heh
  12. My Chens are matte to begin with, so I have no opinion on this. Heh...
  13. The Sandys were nestled, all snug in their beds While visions of TE2s danced in their heads
  14. As they say- you gotta do, what you gotta do. Good luck man
  15. A couple more short days of work. Trying to just take my time and do one thing at a time... slowly. Besides, it was to WAY cold to work in an un-heated garage for too long... Heh... http://pnerves.com/buildingarmor.htm
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