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Posts posted by Daetrin

  1. It's not required at all — as Terry and Rick have said — and it is for the screen accurate strapping system.

    If you want to do it, I'd say do the whole strapping that way.

    Rolf can help.

    Personally I like the look of the accurate without the strapping system.

    I just troop too much I suppose. B)

    Agreed. I think FISD Centurion will have those as "may haves" soon. I find the look cool, but am not sure I'd want to strap it that way.

  2. I think even a facade to the Falcon in the landing bay can work well. It just needs enough for the ramp, and you can use painted board or even a printed screen for the background it's in / sides, as it would be mostly panels after that. You could also then just change the panels to do the Death Star interior.

  3. Doh! Then I'm completely wrong all this time? "smacks had to forehead". Ahhh...well it doesn't get any more authoratative than this. I must have come in when the "Police Officer" title was what was used instead of "deployed".

    OK, I'm off to eat crow now.

    Thanks Joey for clearing this up once and for all.

    EDIT: good thing this is on the history page ;-)

  4. Alas, Lucas is quoted as saying "continuity is for cowards" so there is always going to be a need for extrapolation.

    On the plus, at least it means that your own explanation will be as good as anyone else's :)

  5. You do realize that all 501st merch has to be approved by both the unit commander - in this case Noel - and the Legion MBO - in this case Skaught?

    I mean, I appreciate your enthusiasm but people can't create detachment merch willy nilly. Have these gone through the MBO?

  6. Hi John,

    And I totally get and respect that feeling. In fact, I'm even OK with MEPD changing "MEPD Police Officer" to "MEPD Deployed" as the official language we use.

    What I'm against is that it happens due to a clerical oversight when the forum was last redesigned, or due out of ignorance. Or worse, by DL fiat. I love Mike Harrison and he's done a lot of great stuff for MEPD, but there is only one objection I had and that was when he re-wrote the MEPD deployed/police officer standards without even a discussion. I find this bad form, and it then sets a precedence that any new DL can just chuck them out anytime they feel like it, and this is why on FISD that tightening of the standards gets voted on.

  7. Correct me if I'm wrong but I really don't see how you are loosing your tradition if I produce a tab that says deployed. It's not taking away your tradition any more than all the DEPLOYED icons are all over the pages. I respect the fact that maybe that is have you guys did it when you came in but I've not see or read one thing about being a Police Officer, it's all about being DEPLOYED..maybe I missed it somewhere.

    Nothing personal but there is nothing ELITE about the words Police Officer for me. For me the badge itself represents a police officer. I see a tab with Police Officer in aurebesh on top of a patch with Police in aurebesh as far more redundant than having MEPD Deployed in the tab, at least the letters MEPD are not on the patch.

    I guess my question is this. I opened this 10 days ago with the first thread being about making a deployment tab, no one from command had any issues with this being against tradition. Now after having made this sample we now saying woooooo we've got to vote on this??

    If you guys want to make one that says Police Officer in aurebesh why can't someone else simply step up and run with it?

    That's because you weren't here back in the day my friend. It's hard to understand now, but back then being a Police Officer was really hard and few people had it, let alone going sandy. All we had was FX kits and you had to cut that ab plate out. There were no pack parts, so everything was scratch, and everyone had to have one. Even getting decals without lines was a real chore and you had to hunt them down on EBay, along with flat

    green lenses as the FX helmets came with bubbles. Pouches were also very hard to come buy - you had to really hunt them down. BFG's you either made one from the template that TK409 posted or else had to fork over for a hyperfirm, and everyone had to have one.

    Yeah - hard to imagine now with ATA out the yazoo and pack parts easy to find. Things were really primitive.

    Also, it's like a freaking clerical error. Deployed was the verb of getting awarded. Police Officer is the award.

    Sorry, but that's the way this old vet feels.

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