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Posts posted by Daetrin

  1. I'd stick MFX in the Other (non TE) as it's such small numbers these days, it's not worth breaking out. VT goes to TE-other.

    The main focus of the poll wasn't to get every possible armor maker on there, our main goal was to firstly identify the numbers of FX out there, as there is now a discussion to remove the FX helmet from 501st standards moving forward and also in that FX is a touchpoint for many older members. Secondly is to see what else people use in major groups.

    If we have a high percentage in TE-Other, then it would be great evidence that we need to refine this further, however past polls haven't suggested we should.

    Does this make sense?

  2. The last time we did this was September 3rd, 2010. It's time to get new data. What we want to know is, what armor / helmet are you wearing?

    This poll will run for 3 weeks.

    FWIW, MEPD has historically had the lowest percentage of FX helmets Legion-wide. I suspect we'll see the same this year :)

    Lastly - possible to make this a sticky for the poll duration?

  3. Old news...

    This is from a post I did on FISD in 2006....


    A person on the same forum replied:

    "Nice analysis. I think the baddies in any movie, including those made long before SW, always get wasted en masse by the heroes. They wouldn't be heroes if they couldn't, right? Watch a WWII flick and you'll soon lose count on the number of nazis that are mown down by just a handful of guys - remember 'The Dirty Dozen'?

    Maybe they're picking on the poor stormies just because SW happens to be one of the most popular and high-profile movies of all time. Does this include the pilots?"

    My interpretation was:

    "Probably not. The rebels lost all but two pilots (Wedge/Luke) in ANH, with the impression that all were lost in ship to ship combat. And IIRC, Han barely escaped by the skin of his teeth in ESB. The rebels weren't doing too hot in ROTJ until the Death Star got defeated either."

    Below are my thoughts from the perspective of my alter ego, TK(TD)8020.

    OK, I just have to defend our guys in black and white.

    First off, I was there in docking bay 94. Our orders were to stop the ship. The only reason that scruffy Correlian lived was because we weren't aiming for him. If we killed him and the ship got away we'd be disobeying orders, so everyone aimed for things like the insystem flight controls to keep them from taking off, or to cripple them so they couldn't run in case they did get off. That was the priority. Yeah, a few of us bought it, but not everyone had the opportunity to run for cover & there was a pretty powerful laser cannon swinging our way...I like to think we were able to soften up at least the lateral controls. My buds in orbit said it wasn't maneuvering all that well and they barely escaped.

    Now I wasn't on the Death Star when all that hullaballoo went on (though I was earlier), but I talked to another of my buds who was, and he said that Vader had issued orders that those prisoners were not to be killed and to let them get away. So all that running around escaping bit you hear about? Well let me tell you they were only supposed to keep up enough fire to keep them running, not to kill them. At any cost. And the ship escaping? Same thing, he was in the docking bay (what a coincidence - both of us doing the same thing) and he told me that they were told just to aim to miss, e.g. let them get away. Why? Vader's idea. Dumb move if you ask me. So us guys in white did an outstanding job when you understand what was going on.

    And the TIE pilots? Again, they kicked some major butt. Only two rebel ships plus that frieghter got away - the rest destroyed in ship to ship combat. Yeah, our TIE guys don't get nearly enough credit as they deserve.

    Endor? Jeesh, I never hear the end of it. Listen, those guys were all ROADs (retired on active duty) and guys out of basic. Apparently the higher ups thought Endor duty was pretty low risk what with all the other hardware around, and it was just after holiday. Most of them were pretty toasted. And my cousin who's in intelligence and watched some of the classified security tapes told me that they were very much outnumbered, more so than the general public was led to believe. As if a small band or so locals could defeat troopers. As if. There were a lot more of those little fur coats around and a lot of them bought it before our troops were overwhelmed. Dirty little secret the rebels didn't want to reveal - made them look much tougher than they really were.

    OK long story short. We've gotten a lot of flack and some writers and what not have tried to lump us in with the sorry suckers of other military forces, but the reality of the situation is that we're the elite, and don't go down as easily as we're made out to be.


  4. it's one coin - this is the front & back. I think Wyatt meant to specify that it was the Joint Ops coin you want, as he's also doing the FISD v2 coin run and a garrison coin run. So when he gets an order for coins....

    Also, as far as shipping costs, my $9 was based on the fact that I have to include a delivery confirmation which adds to it (they are unique coins being numbered). I get that not getting a break for > 5 coins say is a pain though.

  5. All Coins are sold out

    F.I.S.D. - M.E.P.D. Joint Ops Challenge Coin

    It's my distinct pleasure to announce that finally, after years of talking about it (yes, going back to when Noel / Bluey was DL), the MEPD/FISD Joint Ops coin is now a reality.

    This coin has been blessed by both the MEPD & FISD DL's.

    History: When I joined the Legion in 2005 my garrison was small and I found while the people were nice, they were very stingy on sharing information, as was the greater Legion it seemed. I trolled Dean's White Armor Chronicles, TK-409's site, etc. finding info. But in MEPD I found a real home of people open and willing to share their knowledge. As such I did a TD and between me and 2 of my garrison mates we became the 3 founding sandy's in Garrison Titan. Tony Sagun was XO of MEPD at the time and I really looked up to him. Over time, he became TE2 and I became XO on MEPD when Mike Harrison was DL, and I upgraded the forums as part of my duties. During that time, Tony got injured serving a warrant, and I flew to Hawaii to help pull armor.

    When I started FISD, I used MEPD as my model. Many things on FISD have their roots in MEPD, such as the open and friendly attitudes, the emphasis on transparency and openness of information, and the idea of having a deployed program to help encourage people to go a bit above the base standards.

    In the low days of MEPD it was even suggested that FISD could easily absorb that detachment. However to me MEPD is the grand dame of detachments - and I did many other things behind the scenes to help keep it afloat.

    I say all this not to toot my own horn or any kind of thing like that, but to provide context on why this coin is so important to me, just as I know many others on both forums have poured countless blood, sweat, and tears in to these dets over the years. For me what is important is to have an enduring token that commemorates that MEPD and FISD truly are two sides of the same armor coin.

    I hope you enjoy this memento as a token of that brotherhood and friendship.



  6. When only the best will do: Star Wars and stormtroopers!

    Posted Image

    Probably the greatest troop the Legion has ever done, 200 members from around the world, assembled for the Rose Parade. For those of us who participated, perhaps the best experience trooping we've ever had. For others, I hope that some day there comes another opportunity to not only gather in such a large number, which was part of it, but also the shared effort that brought everyone together. Else it would have been just a large turnout.

    At the time my TK was not where it needed to be to take to Pasadena so I ended up using the TD instead. I'm the black pauldron the front right.

    Posted Image

    For my brothers & sister in the Legion, I raise a glass and as a toast wish you all a prosperous and happy 2013. May your life be filled with good times.

  7. TM is not entirely fan sculpted either. And, let's face it the person selling FX was not the original sculptor either, but is the most scrupulous of the FX makers.

    We all know there is OK and not OK recasting, and it's been this way for quite some time, and it's childish to pretend otherwise. At the end of the day we make rules that protect our membership.

    There is always an element that will use the argument of "it's all recast" to further their lies and personal agenda's, but that cry is not made for the benefit of the membership, or the community, but is solely out of a need for personal gain.

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