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Everything posted by Juliusthegreat

  1. Thanks, I will try finding the "spot"
  2. I have searched the forum to find measurement of the exhaust port, without any luck. There is alot of pictures but noone ever say´s the size and lenght. So to help me find something that will look like a screen acurate exhaust port. Would be great if I and others who wounder the same thing could get size of the "box" and the pipe by themself .
  3. Hi, I have a problem to find where I should put things on the backpack. I look at alot of different packs and all are just helping a bit. So here is a few pictures and hopefully you can tell if something should move up, left, right, etc. The main question I have so far is: is the trays in good positions and the cistern, should I move it up, down or? There will be more questions later but need this to start with. If things look dusty in the pictures, then it´s because they are . Also sorry for using flash in dark room.
  4. Hi Rolf, I think this will be a great thing for you to get some extra cash between jobs. And maybe you should put this out on other forums also and not just go MEPD (unless you will get to much jobs from here) when you know more what services you will provide. Cheers
  5. I guess it might be my fault your account went away: http://forum.mepd.net/index.php?showtopic=7366 But welcome back
  6. I have ordered the Aker and if I am lucky a workmate will have an old MP3 player to sell cheap Good thing to know about the batterie time. Thanks alot
  7. So far it is a very nice looking radio. Looking forward to see more pictures
  8. How big is this event(how many visitors)? I hear about this event alot but almost never see anything from it. And nice picture
  9. Very nice . I think after seeing this pictures I have to spend more time in the sand.
  10. Maybe you can build more of these and start selling them on the "right" side of the world for once . Would be many interested from Europe I think. Just saying this since I like your work and not many in Europe sell them.
  11. I was thinking of using the speaker that comes with the rom/fx. Voice amp sounds esier since then the speaker is inside with the batteries (or aren´t they). How many watts is your voice amp? there is several to shoose.
  12. I thought Ipod was something other then mp3 but know it plays mp3 lol. Thanks
  13. I am going to have a loop of sound coming out from the speaker on the backpack and want to know what kind of mp3 player I should look for? I am after a cheap one since it will only be used for the backpack, so the simpler one the better. But it still need the things (if there is any special things needed) for be used in the backpack. I also would like to know if someone know how I can connect the mp3 player to a speaker and have extra batteries connected somehow to get "extra" longer power supply. I know it can be done in different ways, but I want the best one and the one used by most in here . Thanks for reading
  14. Thanks for sharing nice pics of your backpack. Gives me some more help putting mine togheter and since you are one of the "elite" here it´s aslways nice to follow what your doing
  15. Maybe you can see if some parts fits when he is asleep, unless he awakes very easy. But I now know what I am going to get my soon to be born son....about 8-9 years from now
  16. Strange that a small piece of metal can make a weapon look so good
  17. Nice pack, I wish all packs had antenna (short or long)
  18. It helps a bit. I now know that the size is 60 mm on outside. So I guess a 50 mm tube will be to thin. Thanks
  19. Hi, I have only found pipes that is 50 mm or 75 mm here in sweden (and we measure the outside here). What I know most people use 2" and I guess that is the measurement inside? So will a 50 mm (2") on outside be enought? I have also looked for tubes made of paper with no luck and metal pipe will be too heavy unless I might find a aluminium tube. But I still need to know if it´s 2" inner or outer measurement.
  20. I did that and they are in place, but you can move them a little if you touch them. They don´t move themself. But to be on the safe side I want them to be still since kids always want to touch on things .
  21. Yes it is. I took the cistern from the garage and it was like 10 C degrees outside so the cictern was cold and when I hold it the cistern got "fingerprints" on it.
  22. Why did I not think of that . I was thinking on hotglue, E6000 etc. Thanks Nol Oh, and just a drop or two... I remember that
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