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Everything posted by Sandstorm

  1. Hmm... I have to go through Dallas on my way to Japan in October and I was not thinking about bringing my Sandtrooper armor, but... who knows. When exactly is the convention?
  2. What's not to love about ROTS? It's funny that most of the "bad" stuff associated with the movies is mostly stuff that was NOT in it rather than stuff that was. So, if with this film production GL was able to please both the fanbase and the casual moviegoer he truly was succesful. Nobody here could pull off what he did in almost 2 1/2 hours in terms of storytelling and eventual story connection. He had a story to tell, plain and simple, and most of the things some people complain about not seeing are not elements that are essential to the story telling of this particular episode. That is editing, which is far more than puting scenes in a sequential order. Iterest, flow, consistency, intensity and committment to the story are more important to a filmmaker than making a 100% pleased fan checklist approved film. That reminds me of Boba Fett plunging into the Saarlac pit. So we didn't get to see much of Tarkin. Heck, we have a whole episode 4 chock full of him. Yet the story is told in its fullness. However as I watched ANH the other day I noticed some minor detail that bothered me little. Obi-Wan to Luke: "I haven't been called by the name of Obi-Wan since LONG BEFORE you were born." REALLY?.... I believe I heard the name Obi Wan a couple of times in ROTS, which was not long before Luke was born. But of course, that was the script in 1976 when they didn't even dream about making prequels. Or maybe is just a case of Alzheimer's disease showing up on an aging Obi-Wan.
  3. I'm 32. Gee, I guess by know it is the young ones who would be feeling out of place here.
  4. Sorry, misspelled your name, Jess.
  5. Impresive, guys. Most impresive. Derek, that is one mean Tusken costume, especially the gaffi stick. Tuskens are one of my favorite creatures from the whole saga. I always wonder what it would look like to unwrap one those for real and look what's underneath. I don't know if this is truth but I heard many years ago that in the SW folklore these creatures were not animal or vegetable, but rather mineral. Anybody knows anything about it? Josh, the clone trooper costume, did you build that yourself?
  6. Thanks for such a warm welcome; couldn't hope for a better one. I've seen all of your armors and I'm more than sure I'm in the right place. I'm wondering, did you guys get to meet in person at C3? Just trying to get an idea what would be like in C4 with the new friends I make here.
  7. it's an outpost actually. I'm not yet a member of the 501st. Of course, I'm currently applying, and I'm contacting people around the island to see if we can turn it into an actual garrison.
  8. Hello everyone. I'm completely green in this forum. I'm writing from the island of Puerto Rico. As an island we have our good share of sand all around us. I recently got my first armor, an RT Mod Sandtrooper, so naturally the next apropriate thing to do was drop by and say hi to all you good people. I speak English, Spanish, French and Japanese so feel free to write in any of those. Among other things I'm a Japanese language teacher here in PR with over 10 years of experience, and also a professional musician currently producing a solo project. I'm looking forward to meeting you all in this forum and sharing our trails and tribulations under the 2 suns. Have a great day all!
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