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Everything posted by FIVE

  1. Someone could measure it I'm sure, but it'd be different on the FX (that is the kit you have, right?) I actually think there's a thread on here about modding it.... or on the FISD.... Here's one good reference... And here's Pandatrooper's modding an AM kit — I'd say it's good reference for cutting an FX as they're both too big. Finally one more on creating the return edge. Like I said it's scarier to think about it than it is to do it.
  2. Yeah... a crafting heat iron is what I'd suggest. Take it slowly and it's fine! You'll do great. It's always scarier to think about it than it is to actually do it. Haha
  3. I'm late in on this, but it's looking fantastic bro! TrooperMaster is some amazing armor!!!!! *sorry... armour...
  4. Yeah, I had snaps on my TE2 belt. It was a great way to do it. It's looking good so far though! Have you thought of modding your chest plate so that it's a bit smaller / more accurate? Like this...
  5. So fun!! Where'd you get this bucket btw? I really like the looks of them... doubt I'll do this armor (anytime soon). Just fun to have this new stuff to talk about — and they're not clones!
  6. Thanks so much man! That's means a lot coming from you for sure! It's good to be home.
  7. Congratulations on your son TK2311 and welcome back to you too!!
  8. Haha Thanks Wolfman... I think the cats outta the bag that it is ME who's back and yes... this thread from 4 years ago is gonna come in handy again as I am finally going to do this!
  9. Yes, Jay... I'm gonna be hitting you up for a pauldron soon I'm sure.
  10. AH! Yeah, those Mini-Rig toys are great! That is MUCH more what I was thinking! Very cool! Thanks for the link!! I'm gonna start sketching up ideas on my own too asap.
  11. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all!! I LOVE THAT PICTURE!!!
  12. Yeah, but that's a big thing indeed... not only to build but to carry to troops and have in pics. I wonder about something more like an AT-ST that's a "smaller" version with possibly a "seat" on the top of it... like a personal "walker". Or like something like Darth Maul rides on Tatooine. Just brain storming still.
  13. My mistake rottie! I should say "Great detailing!!!" :)
  14. I'm coming back to the 501st / MEPD!! I'm a bit early now in because I don't have armor yet... but regardless of how long it takes I couldn't wait to say I'm coming back. I also wanted to share with you the story of the last few years. First off... I can't express how much this means to me to be coming back. I feel more like I'm "coming home" than I can explain... but I think you will all know exactly what I mean. I have toyed with doing armor again over the past year but I wasn't going to do it until I knew I was ready because I wanted to be READY. Back when I was so involved here on the MEPD and was leading and doing and talking... back when I helped make up SWAT and posted 100 times a day and blah blah blah... life was good in the costuming world and especially in the 501st. Then a couple of things happened, sort of all at once, that caused a "perfect storm" and ended up leading me to leave the Legion for a time: one of my biggest regrets of my entire life. I got involved in some other costuming things and with some people that almost ruined my desire to costume completly. It ended up being literally years of bad costuming drama, that very, VERY toxic "friendship" and having to get my mind uncluttered of all of that before I was ready to step back into armor. I am thankful I knew I needed to stay away from the 501st, or was just "kept" from coming back by some "Force", because I didn't want to "taint" the wonderful memories and reality of the MEPD and 501st with anything "costume related" I was going through. There's a lot more to it than that. I mean there are reasons why things happened the way they did a step at a time and all along the way. But that's the crux of it. And... I say ALL of that to say I am finally ready to step back in! I hope to build back up my usefulness and presence over time here especially and I'm very much looking forward to getting involved again to a big degree in my local Garrison. I will let you know then and will be posting armor builds and such as soon as it happens — and yes, I'm HOPING to go for the illustrious SWAT designation. But for now I just wanted to — really NEEDED to — tell you guys. I've missed you all a bunch and am literally almost in tears at the thought of returning. Noel TD-8541 *sand gets stuck in your soul
  15. So this is something I started wondering about and wanted to bring up here... If the sandtroopers emded up being stayioned on Tatooine for a longer time than just looking for the droids - long enough to establish the MEPD - and if they used something besides Dewbacks for transportation... what would they use? I'm picturing something less long than a speeder bike and not as big as a landspeeder. More "personal" size... but suited for the desert world. And something an actual guy in actual TD armor could sit on / get in / etc. Probably metal plates... battle & eather damaged... you get the picture. I would love to hear your thoughts on this... and I would LOVE, LOVE to see some original concept art! What I'm thinking of doing is making one of "these transports" to take on troops and use as a sort of prop for photos. So... what do you all think???
  16. I love this thread. Hadn't we talked all about this years ago? Maybe that was just me and a guy on the street.
  17. Same to you brother! And to all the rest of you too!
  18. Welcome guys! Sandtroopers are the best for sure! Though the FISD dudes are pretty cool.
  19. Swampthing... bdgr is right, if you're going for SWAT you would need it. But don't worry about it otherwise.
  20. I may be a bit behind (meaning it may be posted here already) but this is too good not to share... these are some really awesome pics of Star Wars toys. Here's the link. Here's one of really cool ones. And here's another one that I found that's from another guy's album. But it's still rad!
  21. I always glue mine all the way down — or rivet them. haha My foot always goes through easily enough without boots. You're talking about without boots, right? But yeah, there are different ways to do it. Dutchy does it a way I've seen a lot of other guys (dirty and not) do it.
  22. Looking really good bro! That MG15 is killer! And I LOVE painting white on the black boots!
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