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Everything posted by Billhag

  1. John Any chance you can squeeze me in to that last spot for a pair of these?. I keep looking at the pictures of yours,then staring at my Stolla Weins and I know no matter how much I try to talk myself out of it, I've just got to have a set. Fantastic work Sir!,....and I can't wait to see them
  2. Pappy Way to go mate Rock that house and take no prisoners....d'ya hear?!!!
  3. Craig You can make a great looking one out of a cheap cut down socket ratchet sprayed up black and a light bit of sanding they look pretty darn nice Hope this helps mate
  4. Dans helmets look incredible and I can't wait to get my grubby little hands on one Oh, by the way Paul T M as the tear trap dimple on all his helmets
  5. Pappy Ralph McQuarrie's concept paintings and drawings was the inspiration for most of the costumes for the original trilogy, including sandtroopers As I said in my earlier post, Rolf's pictures are of Andrew Ainsworth's cobbled together helmets that were never part of any of the Star Wars films, and definitely not a 'space trooper' helmet of any kind. Now is the helmet thats in Rolf's garrison a 'prototype / concept' helmet?, well all the auction houses that sold them at the time were happy to portray them as such, because Mr Ainsworth was the person who vac-formed the 56 helmets for the original film. Was the public aware of all the facts regarding these helmets at the time?, good question . I personally think it was a case of 'smoke and mirrors' They may not have lied about what they were selling but they didn't give the details of the bigger picture. As the saying goes Caveat emptor - Let the buyer beware
  6. Guys There's a brilliant article by Jason De Bord and Mr Ainsworth's nice little money spinner 'Concept Helmet' over on originalprop.com Here's the link and its well worth the read http://www.originalprop.com/blog/?p=3242 Good ol' AA laughed all the way to the bank with those little babies
  7. Dutchy You know what they say about toooo many wheener nights? Glad you found it mate, and you are go to love it when you get it Interesting what Paul said about the dive seal. That makes a lots of sense when you think about it because they tended to use a lot of existing stuff and adapt it to their needs. if it looks right, then lets use it philosophy. This sort of info makes you appreciate what the supporting actors had to go through to give us the thing we love so much even more. Imagine it, sweltering hot lights or the Tunisia sun, dressed head to toe in plastic, and possibly a neoprene or rubber neck seal, and having to run around for hours with old World War 2 guns that weigh a ton ....and still trying and put in a good performance without conking over on the spot ......GEEESEE!, you've just got to love those guys
  8. Marcel I don't think there is any 100% clear shots of the wires in location in the film. I think most people go by the black and white photos on 'Parts Of Star Wars' or just go by what they think looks right. Here's some pickies mate
  9. Pappy I couldn't find the ones I was thinking about but heres a few more Its hard to say what the originals were made of but the hero's do look like they could be leather or vinyl.I don't think they were zipped, it looks more like the back joined together with velcro I have a couple of Steve's (Riveting-FISD) and they are without doubt the most accurate neck seals you will ever find.The outer ribs are made of leather and the inside is soft cotten. I've trooped in mine and never had any problems with it For anyone who might be interested in one he is doing a third a finale run on these little beauties over on the FISD. Don't miss this chance they really are that good
  10. Pappy I think you'll find they probably used two types, Stunt and Hero Here's Han in an hero with 9 ribs at the front and 14 at the back I think I've got some photos of the background guys without their lids somewhere I'll take a look when I get home and post them up
  11. Nemo Please do a little bit of researching before you commit to buying an SDS, because there are alternative and most if not all are considerably cheaper. MR CE, RT-MOD, AP. TE2, T M which all worth considering and are in a price range to suit most people. MEPD and the FISD are a goldmine of information when you are just starting out soak up the knowledge and then decide whats best for you.
  12. Nemo Give John Danter a shout, he's a member of the UK 501st and he may be able to help Here's a link to his profile http://www.501stlegion.org/members/display...php?userID=3723
  13. Phil I personally think that there's tons of room in a 'movie' sized helmet (unless you have a humongous noggin that is ) I've fitted 1-2 fans, Rom FX, Mic, battery packs and padding in my GF, TE2, AP, CRProps and T M helmets. Here's some shots of my T M TK helmet that I troop in I've tried different padding (knee pads and so on) and fan placement and types (big,small, squirrel cage ect) and I just like to use the one fan, and the 'Star / petal' original style foam padding. And like Dutchy said sometimes I don't even switch the fan on because its cool enough in there without it. The lens don't fog up 'coz I use 'Rain X' on them and I've never had a problem with them I really think its down to personal preference, you need to play around with it until it feels right and comfortable for you. The best thing to do is wait until you get your helmet from Paul and then you'll have a better idea of what your options really are I hope this as helped mate
  14. Hi Pappy Here's a few more for you And here's a Mk.6 with an extented barrel
  15. Now that's brilliant Look at the teeeeeny-tiny back pack, and the teeeeeeeeeeeny-tiny pouches Fan-bloody-tastic detail there Sir!, excellent work I'd love one of these, especially if you could replace the SE-14R with a DLT-19 Let us know if you plan on making some more, I think a lot of the guys would love one of these especially, as Ray said, if you put their TD number on the base.
  16. Tony I hope you have a fantastic day mate
  17. Marcel Here ya go mate, not cheap, but you can get them Here's the link 50 Gallon ProMobile Job Chest
  18. Jay Fantastic work mate. I think its brilliant that we are seeing talented work like this being made available to all the troops,Well done Sir! Boy!,...you've just got to love this one
  19. Ray These are brilliant!! :o This guy is truly an artist, check out his web site Robert Forsgren Thanks for sharing these with us mate
  20. Hey guys , How about using something like double or single wire hose clips sprayed up black they should look quite good, ...just a thought
  21. Hokey-Dokey....here goes then..... Are you ready?...... OK,...take two
  22. Here's a link to a post on here where Leigh outlines a brilliant UK shopping list and tutorial of how he made his one http://forum.mepd.net/index.php?showtopic=3853&hl= And I think these are his rough dimensions (but you may need to confirm) Hope this helps Leigh, Hope you don't mind me posted this up mate?, Fantastic tutorial may I say Sir!!
  23. .....or was it just 'Frankfurter' night in the Dutchy household.....
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