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Everything posted by 6170

  1. Actually TD-443 had a great idea of us three rocking different colored 's pauldrons for the Mother Goose parade here in San Diego. And Boutyone's armor looks great! He even even added a little blood to his helmet before the two mile hike.....
  2. You should build it. And take a ton of pictures I added a power generator to my pack when I built it just for fun. I have always tried to keep canon but it has never stopped me from making canon plausible mods to my gear. This is a link to my pack My field pack
  3. Mine came with my Cushman kit which I love. Try this link Cushman T-21s for sale I am sure they can either sell you some or see if they can stear you in the right direction. Good luck!
  5. To be honest I had to have mine done for comic-con so I just used the type of spray paint that Iused to paint my field pack. Its the kind that is made for outdoor plastic furniture it has help up very well. And cost me a whopping $4.
  6. Hi guys! Just waned to let all know that I have now worked 6-7 days a week for the last 7 weeks which has kept me from away from MEPD but I hope to be back in a few more weeks. I did manage to troop for the Midnight Madness last week for the Force Unleashed which was so much fun. Anyway hope everyone is doing great!! Xavier
  7. Super sweet pack! I love the spin on the disk. And love the text on the side thats a great idea. Thumbs way up!!
  8. Curious... How do the fans work mounted flush against the bucket? Do they pull enough cool air?
  9. Wow good luck, Always interested in seeing new armor come down the pipe. I am a few hundred miles away from my armor right now but when I get home in a few days if no one has posted this info I will give you the measurements off of mine.
  10. You know its little things like this that make me glad that I am a Star Wars nut. If you look at the drioid next to R2 is none other then R2-KT I don't know about you guys but if you know the story behind KT then this has to put a huge smile on your face , KUDOS to Lucas Films for doing this! Director Dave Filoni said that he put the droid in to honor the charity work that the 501st does around the world. read more here -SALUTES Lucas Films and Katie Johnson- over
  11. After hitting the boards for a few weeks looking for the right speaker/mic combo it became aparent that most if not all helmet mounted speakers have feedback issues. So I just went with the speaker in my right side pouch. It works great I can crank the volume up almost to 11 with virutualy zero feedback ever. I am that there sure there are some great systems out there with plenty of volume but I just felt this was the best solution for me.
  12. wow thats allot of hardware to stuff into a bucket! but I think you might have forgotten the microwave oven and the kitchen sink! are u adding fans on top of that??
  13. I am looking into maybe "upgrading" my helmet in the coming months if I can break away from work. I will be super busy in the coming months -sigh- Anyway is it just an optical illusion or is this troopers helmet seem too big for him? I am just trying to get a point of reference if I buy a new bucket...
  14. For all you Reno 911 fans you may have seen Thomas Lennon and Ben Garant filming their Homeland Security video as agent Smith and Agent Smith at Comic-Con last week. Well guess who's the Sandtrooper at :40? And at 1:03...heehee They even remark/goof on the video screen on my field pack ..... Also check out the cute .443 at well duh at the :44 mark!! Check out the video http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/b3bc0f7467
  15. Thanks that was a great read. and as for sticky I guess you guys have never had to sneeze inside your bucket.... umm yea
  16. Don't feel too bad about that man. I am 6'2" + and I was almost 270 when I bought my armor back in May'ish I am now under 240lbs and still shrinking. I didn't really go on a diet so much as I didn't care about stuffing my face once I knew how cool being a Sandtrooper was going to be. I guess I just changed my focus and honestly don't miss eatting fast food at all.
  17. Nice find! You spent a few months figuring this out? Wow now that dedication.. My wife kicks me in the head if I spend more then a day fixating. I am uber OCD
  18. Welcome! Good to have you.
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