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Everything posted by dutchy

  1. And we're official!! Congrats everybody and thank you for your hard work and input that have made this possible Leaves me to one thing, @yoshix why aren't you approved as the 1st R1 Jedha Sandtrooper yet!
  2. Troops, We're on a roll right now! We have gotten yet another CRL added to the MEPD. The CRL for the R1 Jedha Sandtrooper!! I would like to thank @yoshix for providing me with the excellent pictures. Go and check the CRL out yourself and make your own R1 Jedha Sandtrooper if you are up for it!! http://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TD_R1_Jedha_Sandtrooper -dutchy
  3. ...waiting..... *grabs popcorn*
  4. I try to stay in character as much as possible especially when I'm interacting with children. When adressing adults the occasional joke pops out as well.. Plus you have to judge each situation/ troop by itself and what kind of approach is needed. But staying in character is always good. You'll grow into it once you have trooped several times at different venues.
  5. Once this pack is done I'd love to have high res pictures of it and a list with all the spec's. This will be used for the R1 Jedha Crystal Patrol Trooper CRL which is a wip at the moment. Overall it won't differ that much from the R1 Jedha Sandtrooper.
  6. It seems that our new Deployment Officers have done their homework very well! Take your time with gettin' PO status and as mentioned earlier enjoy the fact that you're officially the 1st Battlefront Magmatrooper within the 501st and part of the MEPD, the place that we like to call home!
  7. This was only a small trip from the UK to the netherlands. But as I rembered it right they replaced the damaged parts. The same pattern, I'm not sure about that but they are all done in the same fashion( which is done very good). If you want the weathering to be personal you can better give it a go yourself.
  8. The CRL has been presented to the LMBO's for reviewing...fingers crossed!
  9. RS is definitely the way to go, even though personally I am a big fan of TM as well. A member of my garrison bought a complete TD set up from them and it looked great. The downside was that once he had received it and he opened one of the boxes some parts were already damaged. This is something that you have to bear in mind when ordering a complete TD. The weathering is generic but definitely well done, if you want to distinguish yourself from other troopers it might be good to consider weathering it yourself. I can't judge about the TK talkie system as I have a romfx. But I must say that having the correct set up really makes a difference.
  10. Congratulations!!!!! Exactly, request PO approval and go for it!!!
  11. I need a high res picture of the pack btw. Someone shoot me a pm when they have one. It's for the CRL.
  12. I'd rather go to the Cantina, I love that band..that tune they play just stays in my head..
  13. I hate to repeat myself but as I have spoken so much with A about this I really stick with his story and especially the part that each and everyone on set in armor should be in the databank of LFL. So having no written confirmation or pictures that prove their presence make it very hard to believe for me...
  14. There it is!!! Congratulations Markus It took a while but it was worth the ride.
  15. Make sure that in your 501st profile you'll add the MEPD as affeliated detachment so I can approve you/ add you to the official roster. And yes, when you think you're up for it request a status change here( it's free ), from member into sandtrooper/ magmatrooper....and maybe take the challenge to apply for Police Officer/ SWAT.
  16. As far as I can see and know it's 6 teeth.
  17. You're definitely moving into the right direction here! I don't know if you ever heard about the less is more principle but that surely is something to consider when you are applying your weathering.
  18. Dang it..I'm speechless. That is a thing of beauty!
  19. I know you guys will do a great job!
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