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Posts posted by chuckrick

  1. Actually, I'm trying to work something out with another Admin officer so that your shirt will still be made but put on hold until your 501st clearance goes through. Meaning after you get your 501st designation, your merchandise will be shipped to you. This is to ensure that the run doesn't go under for lack of orders.

    I'm perfectly fine with that.

  2. I've switched "vendors" to a friend of mine who can do them for me. This also means I can submit my own design... which I have done. All I'm waiting on now is his approval on the design... then we'll be ready to roll!

    I don't know if Mike has been involved in the design approval, but I have not seen the design. As the MEPD Merchandising Officer I would like the design to at least go across my desk so to speak before it goes to production.

    Have you sent this design to Scott Will?

  3. Ouwh right :( .But can its still be available for non-501st members mike?

    These shirts are to only be sold to 501st Legion members in good standing. Ben if you have any orders from non-501st I'm going to have to ask you to refund their money. I apologize if this applies to anyone but the 501st Legion has strict rules around merchandise and we don't want to jeopardize the agreement we have Lucasfilm.

  4. For the MH/SB backpacks, we've been cutting the tubes to 29" That seems to be proportional with the rest of the backpack when compared to the screen captures.


    What type of tubes are you using on the MH/SB packs? Where did you get them? They can't be Alvin Ice Tubes because they are two wide. The caps in the MH/SB kit are a little bigger than 2".
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