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Everything posted by TD5422

  1. I think this is one of the most inviting and informative detachments there is. Some of them are very exclusive, and won't even let people not in the 501st see the requirements to join (cough, tusken raider, cough). People in and out of the 501st live in harmony together... Until, that is.... The Detachment leader comes down off his throne to rule the threads sorry, I feel moments like this can only be defeated with sillyness edit: for spelling and other sillyness
  2. too bad, I'll try to get you some pictures
  3. you should probably talk to some one who can make metal armor and such
  4. my RomFx came with a mic and speaker, did yours? did they work together?
  5. couldn't find my camera, this is from Saturday. The right pouch has the RomFX is in a plastic box, the middle pouch has the 8 AA battery holder. The mag pouch I made and added to the pouches, it holds the speaker that came with the RomFX. This works well, and people aren't looking or talking to your belt. I don't have room behind my chest plate
  6. the only time I get feedback is putting my helmet on, as soon as it's on everything is fine
  7. TD5422


    ended up cutting and sanding a 2x4 to the angle I wanted. This seemed to work really well. Mike you can be the judge tomorrow, as I'll have your frame for you
  8. all of my stuff is in the shoulder pouch, I will try to post a picture tonight. the romfx is in the first pouch, the 8 AA bttery holder fits in the middle, and I made an extra (mag loader) pouch for the speaker.
  9. TD5422


    have you tried it with 3/4 " aluminum?
  10. I have the one that the head rotates, it has come in handy
  11. crap!! you're on too me, guess I'll have to join the TIE Pilot board now
  12. It was just a little dig, since the other forum is locked. Only teasing, didn't mean anything serious. And the armor does look great.
  13. Nothing against this guy or his wonderful armor, but haven't we learned yet what happens when we put these people on pedestals???
  14. TD5422


    Hey Mike, we could probably do it quick on Saturday, if Larry can't do monday
  15. TD5422


    I have another frame that looks the same, I'll get a picture. This frame had padded straps, the top stuck up another 5 inches or so on each side, and I added the skinny bar on the bottom, to attach the box to. those holes were from the mounting screws for the straps. I will bring it tonight.
  16. TD5422


    I'll check with Larry, and he's only 10 minutes up the road from you.
  17. TD5422


    Filled it with sand (no man grease) and used a little heat. Larry's ended up with a sharper "kink" in it. Some of the sand fell out of his. I would have liked mine a little sharper, but I didn't want to get too greedy. Mike we can do it whenever you have time. See what you started Phil
  18. TD5422


    Larry and I tried bending the boyscout backpack frame http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k260/tarim-rex/MEPD/P1010004.jpg[/img] http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k260/tarim-rex/MEPD/P1010008.jpg[/img]
  19. I'm the one on the far left, and I have FX armor, with a meatsock helmet.
  20. Just out of curiosity, why does everyone worry about the weathering being permanent? You can't do TK anyway, I'm actually afraid my weathering won't stay on. I fear the rain!!
  21. I made it, out of nylon and elastic
  22. remember, I knew nothi ng about this stuff when I made it
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