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Posts posted by TD5422

  1. Instead of a regular hardware store. Locate a welding supply store. They will have a better selection and my experience better quality. You can get it in several different shades of green.

    #5 is usually a cutting shield. It is very dark. I like them for doing outdoor events. Indoors they can be a little dark.

    We are experimenting with putting the lens in with velcro, that way we can change them for different uses. The really dark one for outdoors and lighter ones for Indoors.

    The velcro is working great, no more melting my helmet with hot glue

    Larry and I plan on using #5 for outdoor, #3 for indoor, and stealing an idea from a guy at the Rose parade, mesh for Parades

  2. Just FYI, I have taken it upon myself to now be Mike's agent, and I will be handling all autograph requests. For a little "extra" I can have it personalized

    Of course I haven't talked to Mike about this, but his is a Busy man so...

  3. Please note there are weight and size restictions on the luggage. And different airports do not have the smae "strick-ness". When I went to the Rose parade I put all my armor and some clothes in an anvil box. when I left BWI (Baltimore) the girl put the heavy tag on the box and aske dif I wouldn't mind setting it on the conveyer. When I left california, they said it was over 70 lbs and it would cost me an extra $80!!. Also, I was told between 50 and 70 lbs it would have been $45. In the future I will break them up between 2 boxes. I have also read an article that you might be paying for all bags in the future, reguardless of weight.

  4. We're not going to do any draconian post editing or anything, but please everyone play nice.

    Gino; I think the apprehension stemmed from the tone you took initially. You have changed to a more respectful approach and I would appreciate if everyone would do so.

    All board members here deserve respect regardless of post count, amount of knowledge, or status within the hobby. All board members should remember that.

    Hey!! do you mean me

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