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Posts posted by TD5422

  1. I never really thought it was sand, I always figured it was crud from being in a crappy dirty place, and regulations being ignored because you are at the a$$ end of the empire. That, or you have way more to do than polish your armor like the guys on the Death Star

    The photos in which the weathering is being applied, look like paint or ink to me.

  2. the problem I'm having is around the toe box, and the tops and sides of my toes. they fell like a perfect fit, but after abount an hour they feel like they're tearing me up.

    Fond parade memories

    Posted Image

  3. Sorry to bring up boots yet again, but I can't take mine anymore.

    What boots are comfy, who should I get them from, it's getting to the point I don't care how much it costs, after an hour I'm in ****.

  4. I have one of these if you want to look at it Mike, but it is small Maybe 5"x7"

    Jeez, what don't you have? I need to come over your place sometime. I bet it's like a replica props and general junk meca.

    more on the junk than the props

  5. Braksbuddy (Art) did some extensive research and believes that it might've been a simple AM/FM radio sold in the seventies, that was designed to purposely have a military look. Apparently, that was a popular kind of item during that time and sold well. While he never found the exact radio, he did find one very, very similar to it and possibly by the same manufacture.

    Here's the one he used on a custom, miniature back pack for Mirax.

    Posted Image

    I have one of these if you want to look at it Mike, but it is small Maybe 5"x7"

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