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Everything posted by TD-1535

  1. As they say,,weathering is like a personal sig...remember tho, in real life,dirt builds up in nooks and crannys not so much on surfaces over a period of time above is first, liked it, but a tad too much dirt... this is the result im happy with and no changes...so do to it what makes you happy,mate
  2. 16 most of the time...actual is 41....though some days i feel like 99 (usually saturday a.m. after falling in the door from friday night)
  3. Lookin goooooooooooood ready for duty!!! "Awright,,,check this side of the street....avon calling....doors locked,,move onto the next one"
  4. Thanx guys for your comments.. Public like me because of my height 6'5"..kids are just WOW and beside themselves and the weathering shows better detail than the white shiney TKs ,,,and being an attention tart never hurts either Oddest thing that happens when i take a break, bucket off, away from the troop, coffee n a smoke,,,people WANT pics of me just like that,,,trooper taking a smoko break....i love it Anyone who wants an autographed Trading Card just pm me your details and ill send em over cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers
  5. Hmm I guess Im a lil over the top
  6. Perhaps someone can help... I purchased this E-11 prop from a private prop maker,who was given it as a gift from a prop maker for the special editions. It is resin and aluminum,with some other metal parts It has ILM 95 stamped into the bottom just forward of the trigger, on one side and two sets of intitials on the opposite side. original or cast it is an excellent comfortable weight to troop with for hours..I am yet to see a recast version with so many metal parts on and in it any help?
  7. Perhaps someone can help... I purchased this E-11 prop from a private prop maker,who was given it as a gift from a prop maker for the special editions. It is resin and aluminum,with some other metal parts It has ILM 95 stamped into the bottom just forward of the trigger, on one side and two sets of intitials on the opposite side. original or cast it is an excellent comfortable weight to troop with for hours..I am yet to see a recast version with so many metal parts on and in it any help?
  8. As Ive been out wandering Tattooine, trying to find where the beach ends and the water starts, I missed all this,,,D'OH Did post this http://501tag.com/Forum/index.php?showtopic=3606&hl= to share with fellow Aussies and hope you guys can locate the other "ANH" Sandys....would be cool to have em all here
  9. I just noticed, as Im sure several fellow Sandys use this banner as well...but um...Department...is in actual fact misspelled its say DepTartment...My correction is above,,,the copy of the misspelling is below
  10. I figure its about time I said gidday to you all,,,the names Doug (Grotty TD 1535 ) Live in Ballarat In Victoria,Australia...Thats AUSTRALIA,,,not "AUSTRIA" (thanx G.Dubya) LOL..So cool to be a member of the 501st Downunder (501TAG) and very proud to be an officer of the M.E.P.D. for those...well all of you that are curious about the pic, they were taken a week and a half ago at a Troop event ,,Crown Casino in Melbourne with cheerleaders at the Make-A-Wish Ball, was a great night and raised $200,000+ for Make a wish foundation. still gettin used to "instant celebrity" at Troops,,,stood for 30mins in one spot for pics with all and sundry...and women,,,,i gotta take a suit next time, to mingle
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