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Everything posted by steve12201

  1. Hey Cool. I just left Hooters and was wondering that exact thing!! Steve
  2. It would be cool if Hasbro/Kenner did a Desert patrol playset with a Dewback and about 7 members of the MEPD (good figure likeness' and an excellent photo of all of you on the inside and back of the box. Look sir, Droids. Steve
  3. I been looking at a lot of photos of you guys in your armor but can't remember seeing any shots of anyone sitting down. Is it possible to sit in your armor? If not, can it be modified during the construction process and still look close to film accurate? Being able to get in and out of a car would also be nice since it would take time to suit up at every stop. ....anxiously waiting for my AP kit Steve
  4. You said it! There is no need for me to look anywhere else....I think I'm home. Here's to you guys and your collective wisdom Steve
  5. So, any more luck with this project? Everybody has guns here in Arizona. I'll check around at some of the class 3 dealers and see what I can come up with as far as getting access to a real one.....or at least to some schematics. Steve
  6. The "guy" out of armor fondling the dewback's genitalia looks a bit like Prince.....Or is that the artist formerly known as prince...I'm confused (Although not as much as him)
  7. Guess I'm in throuble anybody want to banter back and forth for a few hours? HAHA Steve
  8. Cool, I've been thinking about the need for some rebel-blasting firepower as I have never seen a trooper sporting a peace sign on their bucket. This might be a relatively inexpensive way to go until I can come up with the loot for a long-gun. Does anyone know if it will fit in the holster? Steve
  9. Sweet, I was a little nervous that I would only have one chance to do it right.......Now I can screw up a lot.....like normal. Whew
  10. I just got my two ammo pouches from SithArmor off of eBay. There were still some left if you are fast. Yipppeeeee I'm finally on the way to getting my gear!!!!! I'm even in the proces of ordering an AP armor kit I'm sooooo stoked to get to building.....can't wait for delivery!!! Steve
  11. Seems like you got busted by the Internal Affairs Sub-Division. Ouch! Steve
  12. Thanks everybody for making me feel welcome. I want to order a kit ASAP as I heard it often takes a few weeks to get from the venders. I know about eBay, but is there a collective list of venders listed anywhere? I figure I will probably start off with a FX kit because I probably couldn't get ahold of a TM one. Steve
  13. Hello Everyone, I've been thinking about getting into trooping for about 3 years now and finally decided to join the sandtroopers. I figured it made sense since I live in the middle of the desert anyway. I'm anxious to obtain my gear and begin construction but I have to admit that I am a little nervous about dropping a LOT of money on the "wrong" kit. I've been watching eBay and reading a lot of threads on this site, so I know there is quite a bit of animosity. Every vender is the "best" and the competition is "junk".....additionally everyone also seems to brag that they outfit a majority of the 501st. Quite frankly, I'm just looking for a quality kit that does not need too many modifications, will be durable when constructed, and will meet the requirements of this organization. I confess that I have been a Starwars fan since I saw ESB in 1980 and still have a huge collection of carded Kenner figures (many of which I will probably sell to get my kit); however, I do not have personal knowledge of the specific differences between an ANH helmet and a ROTJ helmet. In addition, I didn't get the best grades in chemistry in school, so I am not sure if I should choose a kit made from ABS, Styrene, fiberglass, FX, etc... Anyway, thank you for giving me the opportunity to join and please bear with my questions. I would like to get busy on my kit soon as my garage gets to be about 120 degrees in the summer and I would like to finish the kit before we get there. Quick BIO: I live in Mesa Arizona (which looks a lot like Mos Eisley) but grew up in York County Pennsylvania. I am a Sergeant in our local police department. I restore American muscle cars, collect Civil War uniforms, and seem to have acquired quite an armament of hand guns and long guns. If anybody is willing to PM me about which of their kits are the most durable (in their opinion) and would be a quality starter kit, I would really appreciate it. Thanks again!! Steve
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