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Everything posted by SandtrooperScout

  1. I know some people have used the "mustard" method of weathering their electrobinoculars. I was about to do this when I came upon a question. Do you let the mustard dry first? Or just spray over it wet?
  2. Well here it is. My first back pack....
  3. Ok Troops, well on my way to constructing my first pack, and I've a question. How long have you made your tubes? I've seen any where from 34" to 24". Right now mine is cut to 34", but it seems a bit long to me....
  4. So if the Squad Leader is orange, and the Sgt is white, and the regular enlistee is black, what rank does grey represent?
  5. Cool! Looking forward to seeing that. And I know have the undersuit, boots and MG-15 all taken care of.
  6. I've read where the vacuformed kit MG-34 is more trouble than its worth. But has anyone purchased one of the preassembled MG's from this dealer? I see where he sells both the kit version and a deluxe version that comes assembled, painted and drilled/cut out. Has anyone tried one of these?
  7. Greetings Troops! Another new recruit hoping to join the ranks of the dirty. Currently a TB, I have TK armor on the way, and have always wanted to be a TD. Still short just about everything but already know where to get the undersuit and boots. I'm just wondering if I'll get the TD ab plate with my kit or if I'll have to track on down somewhere else. Regardless, I know I'm in the right place. Hope to be dirty in time for C3!
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