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Everything posted by SandtrooperScout

  1. So I did weathering job #2 this eve...MUCH better I believe. Figured out the flash tends to wash out the dirt but...
  2. Welllll, the EU explained that. If you read "Tales of the Empire" I believe it is, the story goes that that particular squad leader was cruel and loathed, and the squad used the shootout as an opportunity to shoot him in the back. Hence no blaster hit from the front. That only if you're an EU fan though.
  3. I know I'm rather new here, but I'm going to chime in a bit. I think the requirements as they stand now are just about right. They are a notch above what it takes to be considered a TD for the 501st, which right there requires an extra level of dedication to be in the MEPD. When I started in on my TD costume, I shot for the MEPD requirements from the get go. Yeah, I had to do a little extra work, spend a little extra money, but in the end its worth it. Now I'm not ANH screen acurate.. I still have the pin stripes in the teardrops and the ribbed shoulders, but I think its good that there still is a level beyond that. I mean, if we required everyone to be at that same high level, there is no where left to go. As long as there's a step or two beyond, you still get to see the creativity and inginuity of your fellow troopers...and perhaps get inspired to go that extra mile yourself. Just look at the number of TD's in the 501st, and the number in the MEPD. There will always be those that feel just enough is good enough. And there will always be those like us that want to go a bit further. And I think we should leave room for those ultra purists to go even a bit farther than us, just to keep some interest, if you take my meaning. But I have to agree with the BFG idea. I think it should be a suggestion, not a requirement. I myself wanted a BFG, hence my MG-15, but there are enough scenes with TD's carrying E-11's that that should be allowed as an option. Heck, I plan on getting one to carry as a "sidearm" myself!
  4. Oh yeah. But it'll be even more exciting to get deployed in the MEPD! Thats what I'm holding my breath waiting for....
  5. Well, received the official notification from the 501st today. I can now call myself TD-751. So I'm now requesting deployment in the MEPD. I'll get my pics off to TD-0013 pronto!
  6. Yeah, the first couple pieces were almost painful to dirty, but once I got going, it was a blast and I didnt think twice. I guess I have a good base "dirt" at least. I'll slowly start adding more over time, hopefully it'll be all dirty and done by C3. Probably a question that would deserve its own thread but how many of you troopers use your AFX/GT helmet and how many of you took the leap up to a stunt version? Still having a sarlaac pit full of trouble with my helmet...in these pictures I couldnt move my head even an inch....and I'm thinking of plunking down the cred's for one.
  7. Hmmm. Well I dirtied it all up, but short of the pauldron and boots, for some reason it really doesnt show up in the pictures. Its a "fresh to the desert, only been here a month" kind of job, but in person it is definately dirty. Not sure why the pics didnt turn out...
  8. Pics from the final fitting after some pinch relief trimming. Have the pouches too, but they're drying after dyeing. Now I just have to take the leap and get it dirty...
  9. So what did you use for the "dirt." This is all I have left and I'm looking for options.
  10. Research, research, research. The saviour of us, it is! I would have to say I've been doing mine for several years now. And only actually undertook the project this spring. I have to admit though, the best pics I have ever seen are on the Davin Felth site. I stumbled across this site after I had begun my own costume. Imagine my surprise! This is the VERY look I was going for! Same BFG, same pauldron color, everything. Needless to say, I LOVE these pics. Even made a desktop out of 'em! Hopefully mine will be at least half this good.
  11. Yeah, from what I'm hearing, almost all the pouches out there anymore are of the canvas body/leather strap variety. Thats what I wound up getting. I'll just dye 'em black and go from there for now.
  12. I have a friend in the militaria hobby, does a lot of the WWII renactment and such, hes the one that gave me the bayonet inc link. He also just found out that Kelly's Militaria carries Mp40 pouches as well, $37.50. www.kelsmilitary.com
  13. Oh of course!! I got the Mace Windu at C2 and the Biker Scout when I finished my TB armor. So now that my TD will be done by then, I'll have no choice but to continue the tradition right?
  14. I'm having the same problem.... No matter how I adjust the helmet liner, I can only turn my head but an inch or two. The only way to wear it to clear the chest and shoulders is to wear it so high up I'm looking out the frown teeth... Any ideas? Oh and the armor looks great! I'm not far behind you! Just have to actually strap everything together then weather.
  15. Ebay can be the way to go for the pouches. I got my own pouches this way. You have to be prepared though. Ebay can run hot and cold. I've been party to both extremes...I got one pouch for $10..then got stuck paying $50 for the other 2. Different sellers of course, but just an example of what can be had. And I got the same email from Marstar. Try bayonet inc, they have pouches listed on their site too.
  16. I ditched the ABS cement for the most part too. For some reason, even after 24+ hours of drying time it still failed. Went with the white rivets. I know those will hold. Still have the question about the ab plate buttons though.... the "Davin Felth" pics show 3 white buttons on the left side...is this correct?
  17. Awesome, guys, that'll help out a ton.. Now, yet another question. I was over at the Davin Felth site and I noticed on his pics, that while he has the TD ab plate, he actually has 3 white buttons on the left side? Most of the TD ab plates I have seen are sans buttons. Which is the "correct" way to do it. Figured since I've got everything I need here and now, I can always paint the black buttons white...
  18. Is it easier to paint the inside of the bucket before you put the bucket together? I know I wish I had done that with my Scout bucket. So, the general gist I'm seeing around is to ABS cement the front connections...ie forearm, thigh, calf, and industrial strength velcro the backs? Already have an ab plate and knee plate, so thats taken care. What about the velcro that supports the lower back and ab plates? And the pieces that lift the thighs?
  19. Ok, Troops. Just got the armor kit Friday. I've only got as far as cutting out the frown so far. What I'm wondering is, given all the different methods, which method did YOU use to assemble your armor? What is your opinion or suggestion to a new TD? It appears daunting, and while I've assembled TB gear, this is a whole new game. I just want to be cautious and do it right the first time. I can already tell its going to be a blast! Thanks gang.
  20. Yep. Thats what I did for the binocs. Seems to be working out ok, too. As soon as everything is dry and cleaned up, I'll post a pic or two. And here they are...
  21. Its the lid to a sour cream containter.
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