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Posts posted by CMANavy

  1. Did you get the pro or standard version and what did you put for your startup sound?

    i got the standard version....and at the moment, it just says the "rom/fx" thingy when you turn it on like it says on the site, can you change that?

    Yep, just to John I think is his name, (TK-265) he also makes a kit so you can change the startup sound and the programed in sounds as well. On mine, when it starts up it says "You rebel Scum!" and on my three sounds I have "Let me see your identification" and "Move Along, Move Along" and of course the imperial march for when I need some personal theam music.

  2. Did you look through the garrisons and find one that is close to you? Usually if you can find your garrison and talk to the GML you should be able to get in faster.


    Yep, only prpblem is there is no garrison for Alaska. The closest garrison is Garison Titan for the Washington area, I belive they are getting my app. I will also be trooping withthe Golden Gate Garrison and I have been in contact with then as well as sent them my photos.

  3. Just working on the backpack and pouches and I am about 40% dirty at the moment.

    Of course the legon processing my app would be nice too, not to mention what garrison i am supposed to be a part of.

  4. hey really cool...

    the speakers look good to me.

    what kinda helmet/mic tips is it? i´m suprised the small speakers fit into movie accurate mic tips...

    is there a trick?

    i know the tutorial for the standard aerator kit, but didn´t know they also fit into the smaller accurate.


    The speakers don't fit into the areators. what i did is I cut out where the mic tips sit and passed the tip through the helmet a few millimeters and then glued the speakers to the back of the mic tips and then hot glued them into place. I still have to "cap" the speakers with a foam shell to kill the feedback loop. I was very supprised how well this really works, the mic tip funells the sound out am makes it louder than it really it and is a great effect, I actuly turned my amp down and switched to the 9v system instead of the 12v power source.

  5. Here we go, I put it all on today, there is still work to be done but this is the complete suit ( just noticed I forgot to reatach my right knee piece), clean and are ment to go in to get cleared for my TD number. I need to loose about another 10-20 ppounds and it will fit even better, as it is it is alright. The big gaps in armor are also due to me being 6'4" as well as being overwieght.

    Here is the upper half of the waetherd armor and helmet, Flash was used so it muted out the subtle weatheringing.

    Upper Half:

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    Full shot:

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    Helmet off, upper body:


    My "yes master" pose:




    If you really want to you can check out my other prodject and critique it too, its my Kelloggs Clone Helmet convertion!


  6. I have a new helmet and am making it Sandy and want to custom paint it instead of using decals.

    What paints/colors did you use?

    Testors Model Masters Flat Black

    Humbrol #5 Gloss Admiralty Gray

    When I did mine I laid down the black first and made the border of the area and then let it dry for 24 hours and then painted in the gray. that way you can choose how thick to make the black lines and it easyer to correct a mistake. Mask it out if you need to or dont have a steady hand.

  7. Mount it in your helmet and you will be shocked. I have the speakers mounted in the helmet and they pipe through areators and by doing that it actualy increased the volume, very cool. Did you get the pro or standard version and what did you put for your startup sound?

  8. looks silly familiar... like on MySpace! I added you this morning, BTW. Awesome pics of flying the F18.

    Thanks! I was cruising around myspace looking for stormtrooper groups and saw your profile, I was like "I know that guy, or someone has been stealing your pics."

  9. I am done with my TE Helmet! I finished up the paint this afternoon and placed the mesh behind the teeth as well, I am just waiting on the green lense material and then I will be instaling the electronics. All details are hand painted except for the tube stripes that werwe supplied with the kit, there are a few paint errors, but I am very happy with the result. The armor is comming along well and should be done in a few weeks, then its time to get it dirty!

    Update: Triming is 98% done! I only sliced my self twice with the exacto Knife! Now the fun part begins, the fitting. I did a mock up tonight and I have about 15-20 pounds to loose before it will fit "corectly", I am going to have some gaping problems becouse I am 6'3", 265lbs, 50" chest, 18" neck and I have 37" arms and I looks like a TK on steroids. I also ran into problems with the Neckseal, pauldron interfearing with the helmet not having enough room.

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  10. The TE kit is made from Styrene (sp?) and not ABS and is a flat white color. Styrene also will yellow with age so painting it a gloss white really sets it off and it looks great.

    The paint recomended is Rustoleaum Gloss White, Profesional grade spray paint SKU# 7259 (all this information is on TK1536's webpage btw).

    I just started painting some of my armor today and the paint looks fantastic, geives it a better feel and looks 100% like the real thing. I painted my helmet today and I will post some pics of it in a few days after I paint on teh frown and other greay areas.

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