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Everything posted by CMANavy

  1. Thank you for the hard work Matt! I will always remember how happy I was when I held my helmet you made for me for the first time! I now have 4 helmets and none fo the are Clean! And nice pic by the way, nice to see you sporting a meatstock.
  2. I don't mind joining the line for awaiting deployment, just a matter of time!
  3. Thank you, I don;t know when the patches or shirts will be coming but I hope it to be soon. AS for more members, the lady who does thes the Tusken has a husband who has been working on his cone armor and has a few friend interested as well. I am also trying to get my brother into armor, he is not sure which suit he wants to do. As for the Snow Troopers, Spoox (the TI) is working on a hers. It would be nice if we could get all members into snow armor too.
  4. I just wanted to let you guys know that the newist unit in the Emprie was approved just before Christmas. Finaly us Alaskans have our own unit! Now since this is a new unit, it is still small but I can report that the MEPD is in full force. Every TD is with in MEPD standards and have all mods complete and sport TE armor. http://www.akoutpost.com/main.php Of course I am the only TD, or trooper for that matter!
  5. I also need access to the 501st section.
  6. You should be okay. The trimming part takes the longest and you will spill a little blood in the process. Check out Tk-1536's website ( www.tk1536.com ) He has the best tuturial for building the TE armor. AFter you build it and fit it you also have to paint it as well, that tkae a bit of time but if you did a vader you should be okay. We are all here to help and you will find alot of TE builders on this site, so when you think you might have screwed you armor good, come runner here!
  7. I suport the larger differnece too. If some events want only clean tk's then whatever, if theyy ever want a TD then they will get the best.
  8. When you have the pauldron and pouches on it's hard to see a gap and I have big shoulders.
  9. I sent him one too, but it was before I got it dirty.
  10. I Finaly got it!! I got my confirmation Email today and I have been loaded into the database! I am now officaly TD-1244
  11. Funny, alot fo us have that that correct/incorect armor, but then again we are the best.
  12. You can go either way, depends on the fit you want. If you leave the edge then you shoul should leaving it on all the parts. On mine i cut it out on all the parts (except the hand guards) because I needed the room.
  13. Wow, it will be sand when you do hang it up. Count me in on one fo the TE2's. I can't pass on one of those.
  14. You can also get the green MSA faceshield from Grainger Inc. I used theres and it looks great, blocks the eyes even with flash and is light enough to use when it is dark.
  15. Long time ago I was dumped the day after chirstmas when I was 18. Really sucked hard at the time becuase it was serious (to an 18 year old). Now I am in a WAY better place with a girl that really loves me and who I got engaged to on the 18th.
  16. I Re-applyed today, let see how long it take for a response.
  17. Fixed it! Here is what I did, I just put in a strap that velcroed to the chestplate and it worked perfectly. We had a parade last night and my chest plate stayed exactly were I need it to.
  18. You can also take any watercolor paint, mix up a very light soultion slap it on, let it dry a little bitt then gently wipe it off. After that go mow the lawn in them or somthing. I actuly go with the Gloss behind the dirt school of thought. Plus some of us have painted armor like mine. I have gloss white underneath all the dirt.
  19. Thats very good, add some on the chest and you shoudl be set, the grime may help too but the rest looks good. Tell you fellow trooper next to you to get dirty to!
  20. Belive it or not, the net may be a better resorce. The best help I have gotten has been here and another board with guys from the UK mostly. I have had preaty much 0 help from the garrison in my area. Just build the most awsome armor you can and show up to an event when your ready and blow them away.
  21. Still waiting to hear from the LMO. I should just be processed same as that too. There are a few clones up there but they have disapeard for the time. As it is turning out I will have to stay in Cali for awhile, up to a year and I think the GGG should just be nice and fracking let me in. IT would really help
  22. Well your in the right place, that s for sure. I am sure that if it was broken down the TD's are becoming way more acurate than our TK counterparts.
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