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Everything posted by troopermaster

  1. No big ego here guys,just a fan like the rest us
  2. Looks very good Rob That's basically what I have in mind,but without the attachment points for the ab and back plate. Good job
  3. I can almost make something out.I'm going to have a go at making a new harness for 'under' my vest.I currently have my shoulder bell straps attached to the vest,my biceps strapped to the bells and my thighs are held up by a leather belt.I now plan to make braces/suspenders for the belt as it slips down no matter how tight I pull it.The braces will loop through the belt at the front and down to the thighs to hold them up.The braces will cross at the back and will have two straps each side attached at my neck.One will be for the shoulder bells and one for the biceps.This set up will allow me to wear the arms and legs seperately without the main body armour.That can then be slipped on after I put on my vest.I'll take some pics when I get it finished.
  4. It is a belt for the thighs IMO.If you look carefully you can see where the black leather changes to a darker/flat tone of black.......the elastic for the thighs. The belt can be seen in ANH on several trooper's when you watch it frame by frame Like I said before,I think the arms and legs can be worn without the main body plates. -Paul.
  5. It does look like the white strap has the black strap looped through it.I think the white is probably cotton or another non stretchy material,and the black will be elastic.Maybe the black elastic is glued to the thighs,and the adjustment is made by pulling up on the white cotton/canvas and velcro'd inside?Just a wild guess It might not be connected to the armour at all.The prop guys could have positioned the armour like that,and made it look as though the armour is a one-piece suit just for that scene.The arms are attached too,and I personally don't think that they really are.I think that the arms and legs are put on first,then the main body.I reckon the arms and legs can be worn without any of the main body pieces.
  6. Here's a pic I got off the net a while back.It shows the white strap for the thighs.I must say that I haven't really thought about this strap much,and just remembered I had this pic after re-reading 1970's post #6 on his list.Any thought's?
  7. Thanks Jack,but I don't consider myself an expert,just an avid fan I'm sure they mean't that velcro was used on the elastic straps.The actor's memories weren't all that good when it came to specifics,it was like 26 years ogo I know the pic your refering to,is there something specific you need to know about it?I don't have it to hand,but I do have it somewhere on a disc.
  8. Great pic Mike The real ANH suit's are nothing like the replica one's.They are very flexible,almost rubber and not rigid like ABS or HIPS.I'm sure Han Solo had no problems sitting down in his original armour. Mr.B-yeah I'm using a seperate belt for the thighs.
  9. I've just got some E6000 after all the recommendations it's had on here,but have yet to try it Thta's my armour is those pics.There is no black belt attached to the armour,that's the strapping system.I have changed it now slightly from what it was,I'm still experimenting.I don't think it had straps coming over from the back in any way now like I used to.I now think that the chest had like a 'V' strap that was riveted to the upper side of the chest,looped to a buckle or clip of some kind riveted to the lower ab line,then back up to the chest with a buckle and clip for adjustment.You can see some troopers have black straps sticking out from the top side of their chest and onto the shoulder bells.The chest also has 4 rivets running down the sides.I have checked and double checked my reference pics and screen caps and they all look to have these rivets. If anyone has any better 'ideas' on how they were originally strapped then let's here them I know that the armour was a one piece suit and that you had to open it up and slide in from the side.I was told this personally from ESB stormtrooper actors that I have met.They also said that the arms were held with velcro,no snaps,and were terrible to wear. @Braks -Paul.
  10. Best of luck to you Marc I wish you a safe and sound return -Paul.
  11. Looks well good RoCKo Not too much,just like it should be IMO.Is that MFX armour?
  12. Thanks everyone It's been a long time in the making,but I'm 'almost' there I'm still tweaking the moulds even now.I want my suit's to be as accurate as humanly possible and until then I'll be constantly retooling the moulds until they are 'perfect'.Then it's time to make the suit's from the new white plastic and beige helmets sprayed white -Paul
  13. Hi guys'n'gals, Some of you may already have seen these pics,but I'd like to show them off here as well.It's basically the ESB that I showed off a while back,but with new ANH parts.Enjoy -Paul
  14. That's because they used real motocross chest protectors,Torsten Hallman I believe,so the padding needs to be thick to deflect the roost!
  15. I think Keith is after making some 'bubbled' lense so he needs the acrylic to form them
  16. Welcome Gino, Your helmets are 'simply the best' 'nuff said. -Paul.
  17. I don't get it.....if the final model had all the tube stripes detailed on it as raised stripes,then how come it didn't pick up all the bumps? Also,it looks like there is a big seam line over the cap,from ear to ear.
  18. Looks nice so far Matt. I'd like to see one painted just like the original it was cast from.I think that one looked awesome with all the paint missing and tatty. Does the cap feature all the bumps and lumps of the original? Cool stuff -Paul.
  19. Thanks Jeremy,I've PM'd you So,are we going to see any more new pics from the LFL archives? I know they're out there
  20. Hiya Jeremy,great to see you over here at last It's nice to see those pics again,I lost the one's you gave me a few years ago. It would be cool to find out if Mr.Weird Brow was still here in the UK,I'd love to see him again That is the one I saw at the Sheffield Film Exhibition a fews back.I got lots of photos of the suit,but I didn't have a digicam then and they aren't the best pics.I did film the suit though with my camcorder.I'll have to dig out the tape,I haven't watched it since I moved house a year and half ago. -Paul.
  21. The reason I think they are attached to the vest is that when you watch ANH,the armour always seems much higher on the shoulders and the shoulder bells tuck 'under' the shoulder straps alot of the time.It just looks to me as if the shoulder bells would most likely be attched to the vest and not connected to main body sections at all.The real neck seals are nothing like what most fans wear,in fact no-one assembles their armour like real ones either.The fact is most costumers will make their suit's fit them the most comfortable way,or easiest way,so it doesn't really matter
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