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Everything posted by SethB6025

  1. They only have bike troopers there. They look like sandtroopers except they don't wear leg armor, just white spandex shorts.
  2. I have used Liquid Nails Clear "Projects" before and it works wonders. E6000 also rocks out big time, and so does Plumber's Goop which seems very similar to E6000 in its properties. They are the three I stick by for pretty much everything.
  3. Hey man, when you've got good taste you're consistent.
  4. Thats not too far off of the dimensions of the movie one. If what was used was a similar model but just a bit bigger, its possible that it could be the same brand.
  5. They used so much old electrical equipment it could easily have been some kind of housing. The markings on the sides are unclear, even in the HD. It would be nice to have better shots of that for replication, or even cooler be able to ID it. Although, we all know what a pain it is to find an item in 2007 that was already old and hard-to-find in 1977.
  6. Yup, "Mariachi" here! I actually got that one because I carry my DLT-19 around in a guitar bag. I will be at the fleet party, early doing set-up and late doing tear-down. I opted to do the parade in that vs. the trooper, as I had a nearly bad experience at the C2 Saturday morning parade. The whole hot inside armor/helmet + hangover/not much sleep = me super nauseated. It took all I had not to barf in my bucket that morning, especially when we were right next to a Subway in the hotel lobby. Yeech! Plus its their first year in the parade, I'll be marching with 501st next year, maybe with a great big MEPD banner. I figure at the rate we're going at least half of the Legion's stormtroopers will be MEPD sandtroopers by then.
  7. I'm up for a shot, maybe after the parade though. I'm marching with TCF in my Battlestar stuff.
  8. Nice work! I like the dial interpretation, I might have to use that on my next pack.
  9. Yeah, let him know you are MEPD/501st and he will ship to you. Just keep in mind standard mail can take 2-6 weeks from the UK to US.
  10. Yep, try photobucket.com or something like that. It generates the code for you but if you have them in an html album just copy the address, paste to the post, highlight and click the "Img" button above the text box and the pic will display in your post.
  11. My Sandtrooper will be there, and gods willing I'll have my new backpack done too.
  12. Late last night I found a BF editor, then quickly realized the task was above my computer skills (at least with a program that I am completely unfamiliar with) & way beyond my time constraints.
  13. Overall sizing I have listed here, obviously just change the material out to metal. I'd also reduce the center 17.5" parts down to about 17" or 16.5" as some tolerance is left for trimming in that plan in case of off-center bends. Aside from that they should be pretty close to the film specs. Mike/TK1536 did some nice metal frames from old boy scout frames and may have some dimensional input as well. Nice to see you on the boards!
  14. According to the logs his last visit here was July 17th, but the email attached to his profile is the yahoo.uk one.
  15. I'd say that once you get your pack & blaster squared away you should be good to go.
  16. Oh sorry, I neglected to mention for PC.
  17. Yeah, you can get a bunch of custom maps from here along with other Lucas games.
  18. Probably the only thing that looks odd is that the belt boxes are a little shallow, overall it looks similar to an RT mod suit.
  19. This might sound like a crazy request, but does anyone here know anyone who knows how to make a custom map for Battlefront or BF2? I think it would be rad to have a custom Tattooine map with the logo worked in somewhere. Just a thought. I don't game much, but I do play the occasional round of Battlefront/BF2 & always think of this.
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