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Found 2 results

  1. Hey everyone in the MEPD! I am a 501st ANH Stunt TK (TK-58058) and a Bith musician (DZ-58058) of the MidSouth Garrison in the Nashville, TN area. However, this is my first full build myself and I thought I would post some questions if that is ok. I have an ANOVOS TK that has been in the box for 4 years and I am excited to make it a sandy first basic then eventually PO. I am following UKWrath’s build instructions for ANOVOS TK but following the TD CRLs closely and making TD adjustments as I go. Anyway thanks in advance as I will post some questions here and I hope to join the dirty boys someday!
  2. **Let me know if this isn't the correct place for this**Hey all,So you may have seen my recent post but I'm new here, saving for an RS Propmasters kit and I'm doing some planning for what i need to buy in future.While its a long way off, i would eventually like to reach the SWAT level with this outfit in time meaning i should work on the correct weathering when i get it. i've looked around and there are a lot of the ame troopers because of the abundance of images and info but because i love to see variety & opening the flood gates for new options for TD's of the future (and i like making my life hard ) I've decided to go for an obscure trooper. I also have a fondness for the DLT-19, always have, so I'm looking at the Enlisted trooper with the DLT-19 that runs behind the crates on screen left in docking Bay 94. I'm currently trying to determine which of the 6* armours he's wearing.The notes I've collected from my investigation are below with some helpful images I've found. Any help you guys could give me in my quest would be amazing! thanks By process of elimination, i know it isnt armour 2, 3 or 6 (as named in the below image by Art Andrew i believe on another forum) since we see them in enough detail in the scene in another shot or the marks are very different on the chest. in a behind the scenes picture i found it appears he has a stain on HIS right side leading me to believe its either amour 1 or 4 since 5 seems to be extremely dirty. the other alternative is that there is a mystery 7th trooper in this scene! could this be an armour not listed?I cant tell for sure what backpack he has, but by the bulk I'm thinking its a No. 3 "move Along" pack. if someone could confirm this it would be awesome. but the other details seem fairly straight forward having one Ammo pouch on his shoulder and maybe a second on his left side belt?The fact that the helmets are swapped between scenes and shots doesnt help as the most noticable feature seems to be his low "Brow" on his helmet. but i think its the one being used by the chap behind the DLT officer to his left with the enlisted pauldron, mainly due to the before mentioned brow. thoughts? Once again, i'm not too experienced in this and any help would be great but any aid given would mean the world to me, thanks in advance
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