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Found 8 results

  1. Hey troops, Before I start with this thread, is there anyone who has or knows a trooper with a completed Kyber pack? if so, post pictures of it here and a tutorial of how to build one. The only thing I know about it that a so called "Alice backpack" was used for the base of this fieldpack. Amongst the additional parts is a RAF gearhook, which is placed on the right strap facing forward. An antenna, a pice of tubing and the part that is most in your face, the (mortar)rack on the back. Looking forward to an interesting conversation!
  2. Hi brotherhood! We are looking for inspiration for new artwork proposals for MIMBAN, MAGMA and JEDHA Troopers. Instead of using references from the web, we’d prefer if those of you who have any of these armors to provide us with high resolution pics, so we could select which of them could suit best for artwork swag purpose. See the attached references and visual guideline and pointers for those submitting photos to the MEPD artwork team: PLEASE DO: 1. Have your picture taken in a neutral background. A solid color is preferred. Therefore we don’t loose detail when cutting out the pic. 2. Have your picture taken in a straight angle according to your modeling pose. 3. Have your picture taken completely, better yet from the thighs to your head so all detail can be present. 4. Take different shots in the same angle: front, 3/4. Will select the best pose of your self-made photo shooting. AVOID: 1. Taking your picture in a dark, foliage, or low light background. It makes cut out very difficult and detail may be lost. 2. Taking your picture in a shiny or too white background that may compete with your custom and making it difficult to see which is background and which is your armor. 3. Taking your picture with flash either from your smartphone or digital camera. 4. Taking your picture in full sunlight or complete darkness as detail will be lost or become pixelated. 5. The bubblehead effect. This happens when those taking the picture for you raise the camera or smartphone in an elevated angle making you look like a Funko Bubblehead. LOL. DO YOU NEED SPECIAL EQUIPMENT FOR TAKING YOUR PICTURE? Not really, most smartphone now at days come with a decent and powerful camera. Setting your picture in high resolution or definition will work out fine. The same applies to the use of a digital camera, at the end it all comes down on who is taking the picture for you and the keen eye to make you look great in a series of pics. HOW SHOULD YOU SUBMIT YOUR PICTURES? By email Via droopbox, google drive or we transfer link to Sandman´s Tigui e mail: tigui@icloud.com Please in the emails header type if you are Mimban, Magma or Jedha and your TD number. Thank you!!!
  3. Brothers and Sisters, Both FISD and MEPD have reached consencus about the following: R1 Jedha sandtrooper and the Kyber patrol trooper will be added to our ranks. Both CRL's must be made and will be added to the CRL eventually. But before that can be done both characters must be recognised by the 501st. This doesn't mean that you can't start building one as we do need some excellent pictures for the visual guide part of the CRL, so let's see those WIP threads popping up! A special section will be created for each new character, as is done for the other characters that are part of the FISD. Currently we are also looking in the CRL for the SE TD, so even more exciting news! I understand that this is a significant change for the MEPD, but we do need to keep moving forward and welcoming new members that have exciting new armors or will build one. WELCOME TO THE MEPD R1 Jedha sandtrooper and the Kyber patrol trooper
  4. I'm just so proud, I wanted to post up here as well. Big thanks to Krookknight for sending me some of the 3d printed parts. And yes, I did flip the top boxes to be the right way. More pictures of me wearing it to come.
  5. Troops, We're on a roll right now! We have gotten yet another CRL added to the MEPD. The CRL for the R1 Jedha Sandtrooper!! I would like to thank @yoshix for providing me with the excellent pictures. Go and check the CRL out yourself and make your own R1 Jedha Sandtrooper if you are up for it!! http://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TD_R1_Jedha_Sandtrooper -dutchy
  6. Design is complete for the Rogue One Santrooper Jedha Backpack. Below are the 3D parts that will be printed. The Thermal Detonators on the side and rack holding them will also be printed. Not seen in this picture. All of the other pieces will be hand built. As you can see from the reference photos, this pack has the Sandtrooper Pack bend in it. I am going to attempt to meld these 2 main pieces together in order to maintain accuracy. The fabrication of all of the pieces has begun and progress will be posted here. Reference Photos: 3D Renderings:
  7. Hey everyone - I've got my first kit on the way and I couldn't be more excited. Up here in upper UPPER Michigan, we have a little 501st crew - and already have a Sandy in the ranks. I'd like to do a Rogue One Jedha Patrol with the "Kyber" backpack - and it seems there was some (lol, a LOT) of back and forth over where this armor fit. I think having two "sand" based troopers with different variations would look really cool for our troop, and don't mind going for the difference in appearance. What I'm looking for are some 501st CRL's as I can't seem to find many clear answers on if this is an approvable armor. Any answers are helpful! Sorry if this has already been addressed, I'm the FNG!
  8. Troops, I want to use this thread to discuss the Jedha trooper in all its glory as it is named a "sandtrooper". The way I see it is that the troopers in R1 are a variation on the sandtrooper costume as we know and that the sandtrooper we currently know is an evolution of this armor. They are deployed on a planet to uphold the law and we also have deployed troops called Police Officers/ Swat Officers that do exactly the same thing. The armor itself has the R1 stormtrooper as a base so we do share specifics with the FISD on this trooper with the exception that this specific trooper has a pack, a heavy blaster, pauldron and weathering. There is also one other trooper that wears a pack in R1 , the "Kyber trooper" but this costume is definitely not a sandtrooper and should therefor belong on the FISD. I'm hoping to see a constructive discussion over here and everybody is free to contribute, so fire away troops!
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