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Everything posted by TD-4242

  1. Sweet gear dude. Sure wish my request would go through sometime...
  2. That one is much better. I just switched mine out with that one. Thanks.
  3. This is the one I use. It's nice and big and is a real production shot.
  4. You seem to get much better screen grabs from the DVD than I can. Could you go through and get several pics of the back packs and post them?
  5. LOG IN ::: LOG OUT are backwards. When I first showed up it said LOG OUT but I wasn't logged in. I clicked it and it took me to the login prompt. I logged in and now it says LOG IN.
  6. If the Empire would have wanted me to have fun they would have issued it to me in basic.
  7. My first attempt was a little too dirty. I busted out with some goof off and scrubbed it back down to too clean. This had an excelent side effect of taking all shine off hte armor as well. I then had a friend from my garrison TD-0013 do my dirt for two reasons. A. he is an artist in his own right and I really liked what he'd done with his and a few others armor. B. I wanted to make sure that I looked similar to other sandies I'd be trooping with.
  8. I use double layers of transparent PVC I found in a craft store near by. it is only 1.50 a sheet and one sheet could do 10 helmets. So I made a bunch of extras and keep them around for garrison members.
  9. I think I've got you beat:
  10. Doing quite a few snap kits I have found that the snaps available at walmart are complete crap and will not hold. The ones you can purchase from Home Depot are great and will hold well. In my gallery here http://www.sandtrooper.net/modules.php?set...=view_album.php I have several tips and tricks for all the diffrent parts.
  11. Yea I have to chime in with an agreement that I like the standards where they are. We can call the SE Sandtroopers as TDY asignes from the Stardestroyer in orbit. Their dirt looks like smeared on paint anyway compared to the originals. The back packs I think are one area where people can get creative in either being screen inspired or screen acurate which ever way they want to go. Drop boxes and shoulder straps I'm not sure about as a requirement either way. I do think this was more of an evolution and time constraint thing to get the troopers ready for the screen. Without drop boxes you do end up with a large black region that doesn't look great. and should straps were just done to also improve the general look of the suit. Perhaps we should have a 3 tier requirements field. accepted: ab plate knee plate pauldron etc.. ecoraged: back pack drop boxes etc... hardcore: flat shoulder straps diamond hand guards etc...
  12. You may want to take some of the shine off the armor as well. either steel wool or those green scrub pads work well.
  13. I started off with the, Just cleaned out the dewback stables look: I've sense cleaned up enough to have a much better 2 days in the field after inspection look. (my helmet is unfinished in the pic)
  14. Don't hold back man. Once you go dirt you'll never go back errr something like that.
  15. Just doing some looking around and I found this palce that seems to have some as well. http://www.northridgeinc.com/sp_mp.htm
  16. Put it on. See what it looks like. That is the front of the thigh right? I bet it will look fine once it is on. be carefull with the heat you can f*** it up pretty easy.
  17. I've been this -><- close to doing that for a long time now. I even cut up a bad ab plate pull and was going to use the parts just for doing this but haven't. I'm not sure why but I have some sort of adversion to doing this. What does that say about me??? probably nothing, or just that I am lazy.
  18. abntroop, I love your new avitar. Looks like "if the tick were a trooper this is what he would look like"
  19. Head back to home deopot and pick up one of the back braces they have there. Kevin, TK0013 turned me on to this. I call it the Man girdel. If you are such a lover that you have handles, you know, love handles that stick out of your armor this will pull them back in
  20. Wow, I remebered. I even wrote up some descripts and stuff. In the Photo Gallery
  21. I suppose I should have an armor mod section for what I've done with my armor. I've done a few uniq things I haven't seen anywhere else. I'll try to do some picutres and upload them tonight if I can remember.
  22. Well, we got most of Mark's suit together. Still have to convence him to go dirty. I have two more local people that want to put together sandtrooper suits though. The ranks may begin to grow.
  23. If it were up to me you'd be in. Your gear looks great and complete. I just got mine in the same shape but I cleaned it up a bit. The paint I used I thought looked like crap, litterally. I used some goof off and toned it down a bit and I used a scouring pad to take the shine off the armor. Over all I think it is a little more acurate to the trooper I am modeling after. (the "These aren't the droids were looking for" one.)
  24. Other than usefull items like pens, fliers, wallets and keys. At an event there was some kids asking me if I had any grenades in them. I then realized that they were empty. Kinda breaks the fantasy for the kids. Might be kind of cool if I could pull out some kind of device that loooks like you would need either 3 or 6 and they would fit just right in the ammo pouches. TD-4242
  25. Well the second to last part of my full sandtrooper conversion is done, even dropped the drop boxes. Ab plate: And the final part is about 50% done Stunt helmet: Just waiting on the decals for the stunt helmet. It's hard to tell from this pic but it does have the dark green lenses
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