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Posts posted by Volksjager

  1. I recently had one of my garrison member & fellow Sandtrooper 3d print me the Sonix radio faceplate for the pack I am building. I am currently building the enclosure for the Sonix but I am on the hunt for a good quality dial transfer/decal, Sonix label and a source for the lettering on the components. I have searched fleabay and I am aware of trooperbay's option but wondering if anyone else produces them here on MEPD

  2. I also used the liquatex acrylics and followed Pandatrooopers technique and was really happy with the result 


    But I ran into trouble when this was knocked back for being to dark and not enough orange tones. So I cleaned it off and tried another technique the second time around. I made 2 washs from the liquatex acrylics, a red brown and a darker black brown. I dabbed the Red Brown on with different size brushes and then dabbed off again with a clean rag, then built this up over a number of passes. Once dry I did the same with the Black Brown and then finally added some pigments on my chest/ab piece


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  3. Now I am approved I am looking to build my pack so I can apply for Police Officer. 

    As I have a black pauldron I am looking to build pack #4 and have approached a garrison member, and fellow Sandy, to 3D print some of the harder parts like the radio and cistern. 

    I am really keen to build this myself but the problem I am having at the moment is measurements. I have been following and reading some builds have seen measurements for the frame and have been converting everything to metric but I am having trouble getting a proper size for the seed trays, bottles and the radar dish etc. Is there anywhere where I can find some of these measurements?

    Also while I am thinking about it Is there a required size for Say the frame or the seed trays for Police Officer? 

  4. Thanks everyone, really happy to be a Sandtrooper and part of the MEPD. 

    I am talking to a garrison member about 3D printing some of the parts for the pack (syphon, radio faceplate etc) and I will build the rest. I am going though build threads and trying to get sizes. 

  5. Been a busy week getting the weathering changed and doing a few minor upgrades. 

    Before I started the torso again I installed the small screws on the return edge of my chest piece to simulate the bracket strapping system 


    When I went for my first approval I was also told the ab piece sat a little high. I did feel this was happening so I decided to create a bracket & pin system on my kidney & ab pieces to keep them inline and help keep the ab down. Seems to work well and also keeps them together to keep the gap down 


    I also took the oppertunity to cut down the thickness of my diamond knee plate as well. To weather my pouches & pauldron I used hairspray and some dirt I had which gave a little bit more to the pauldron/pouches but nothing overboard. So time to send in approval pics again






  6. Thanks for the advise guys. After the setback I had I decided I would try and blend in a brown over the top of my existing weathering but I just couldn't get the finish I wanted. So back to the drawing board, I cleaned the torso down and started again. 

    Because I want to go PO & possibly go SWAT I wanted to get a movie accurate finish and decided on the trooper to emulate


    This is where I am at with my torso so far. I was asked to use more Burnt Umber in my tones this time which I have done with a light wash (Burnt umber/Black/Cream) on the first pass and then a more dark grey highlighting wash (Burnt Umber/Black) on the second pass. I might hit it with more solid darker tone in some places tonight but not sure yet. 



    Ran this by the GML overnight and he has given his approval so I will blend in the arms and legs tonight and hopefully go for approval over the weekend.

  7. Well I went and submitted my Sandtrooper to the GML yesterday.






    So I have just heard back and I have been rejected due to my weathering being to dark. He also wants more on my pouches, pauldron and on the back of the belt on the velcro area which I can understand but I didnt think my colour was that bad. What do you guys think?

  8. Thanks Steve. Yeah I know what you mean bout the pouches etc but it’s hard to capture the effect with pictures. In person it’s more noticeable. I have even been told my boots aren’t dirty enough but again in person they are better. 

  9. Progress has been slow and steady, just getting a lot of small things done before approval pics are sent in.

    I had a test fit the other night but wasn’t to happy with the height of the thighs but also with how they were supported so I spent a day building a custom belt/suspender system out of black webbing. Definitely  happier with both the support and the heights but will post up a pic of this later on.

    While I am on the thighs I also cut out the backs of the knee’s for better mobility and finished off the weathering in this area plus added some foam to the outside half to take the pressure off.



    Also added my green lenses to the bucket


    and weathered my pauldron & pouches. I didn’t want to go overboard but wanted a dusty look




    and finally, I am still working away on my E-11. I finished my folding stock so decided to try the hammer finish, really happy so far. Just finishing the main body now and painting some detailed parts before the hammered finish goes on


    still got to add the screws on the return edge of my chest piece to simulate the brackets and then I think it’s going to be another test fit and possible submission pics if it all looks good. I would love to finish my E-11 first though but will decide when it happens

  10. I use a cloth neck seal as well. I wear one with my Tie pilot and we don’t have to, but I think it looks a lot better. So when it came to getting one for my TD I got a second one from Darman. Cloth is breathable and movement is good. 

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