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501st Member
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Everything posted by tk432

  1. kevin usually gets the pics ready... but i havent seen him on here in some time.
  2. http://www.sandtrooper.net/index.php http://www.starwars.com/community/news/ ... 0405c.html
  3. that looks right.. but for now i got a small girls leather white belt and riveted it right on works wonderfull.. and give me a few more inches since im so much taller. after C3 (since it only 2 weeks away ) ill get a belt like thant and stick it on top.. the leather should hold up better. and that will look better.
  4. one of our new troopers is all snaps.. he kept falling apart. for C3 i have riveted EVERYTHING together.. it dirty i dont care. i even got a pare of suspenders(sp) and riveted them on.
  5. i found a girls white leather belt.. ill have to use it until i can find the right stuff.. living in a small town sucks.
  6. Ok.. mine just broke.. i riveted it back in place... so it will work for now.. armor is almost 2 years old.. but with talk of soft straps i was wondering if anyone has done it yet.. and if so show pics... im tring to find some good wide white webbing to use.. but am having no luck as of yet. thanks.
  7. it was two problems. i acedently addd a new permission group... unregisterd or unlogged in.. you couldnt see it if you where not loged in.. so i got rid of that .. and now you can see it again if your loged out. and i make the image smaller.. ill keep this in mind next time i post a pic. Thanks for bring this up guys. With out feedback it cant get better.
  8. it is prolly the lucas pic.... ill see if i cant resize it for ya.. sorry (i got a 19 inch monitor. i forgot about it)
  9. the binocs.. im going to clip them to my belt. carring a BFG and the binocs around my nick would fell weird.. but would look cool in place of the stormtrooper holster. (btw,, yes ive been here from the start.. but i still dont meet either 501st or mepd requirements... im right in the middle of both. so im all for the changes lol)
  10. what ever it is.. let me know and ill change it.. but bamma's looks the best. BFG- optional Agree, but need one of the fallowing E-11, BFG, or Prod. pouches - correct style and number (there are several kinds and configurations) Agree, We need to find out witch ones where used. backpack - optional Agree, but should be more of a recomendation pauldron - a must Agree 100% Flat lenses - green- a must Agree (i need to switch mine to green then ) Diamond kenee - a must Agree 100% correct ab plate - a must Agree, aslong as current plate minus the buttons, and smoothed over will work no drop boxes - a must Agree 100%, but brings up the SE debate no TD on belt - a must Agree 100% slotted handbacks- optional Agree 100% Dirt - A must!!!!! Agree 200% as much as i love the look of the newer suits coming on the play ground. i will not replacy my stuff for it.. ive moved on to other projects (vader).
  11. yea.. i wish the MEPD had a public forum like this back then.
  12. before i did my armor (wow its been two years.. ) i searched and all the major search engines for a few weeks and found everything i could about trooper mods. do searchs on stromtrooper armor, stormtrooper mods, ...... most of the sites i have bookmarked are long since dead.. but the most helpfull, get with your local garrison and get some contact there.. usually you can find people that are willing to help build your armor with you. Have fun, and get dirty
  13. k no prob. but you can prolly get them cheaper of ebay.. but these would be brand new in the box.
  14. getting my set was hard. they are pure leathre and from WW2. I had to keep tring to out snipe fellow 501st members to get these. Maybe someone could find a pattern and make them out of leather and produce them for everyone.. ( just a idea )
  15. be 25 plus shipping. need to order 4 i think..
  16. if enough people want them i know a place where i can order some. but it requires a min order of 3 or so. both tank and sub game
  17. The exclusive bust for C3 will be a sandtrooper http://www.gentlegiantltd.com/news/?id=26 it looks awesome. its all dirty
  18. listed here http://www.sandtrooper.net/mepd/require/ is what the 501st requires for a sandtrooper and what the MEPD requires for a deployed trooper. all of witch are ANH no Ep3. that would be a clone trooper and aslong as it looks like the trooper you see on screen it is ok for a clonetrooper
  19. like the top banner or any pics from www.mepd.net
  20. i used mustard worked pretty good.. i didnt let it dry so i was a mess but all good now.
  21. if you guys want the files from the website. or want me to take a wake at it i can.
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