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Posts posted by macnolo

  1. Arrest in 2016
    1. MALAGA - Verbena Solidaria 28/05/2016
    2. FUENGIROLA - DreamNight de Biopark Fuengirola 03/06/2016
    3. MARBELLA - Debra Piel de Mariposa 04/06/2016
    4. MALAGA - DeporVida Luis Olivares 18/06/2016
    5. MALAGA - Rodaje Película Independiente 05/07/2016
    6. LONDON -  Star Wars Celebration Europe III - Londres 2016
    7. MALAGA - Boda 13/08/16 
    8. MARBELLA - Aniversario Al-Cine - 25/08/2016
    9. MALAGA - Jornadas Esgrima Solidaria Malaga - 17/9/2016
    10. BILBAO - Training Day VIII - 24/09/2016
    11. DONOSTIA - Día de la Retinosis Pigmentaria - 25/09/2016
    12. MÁLAGA – Larios Centro Go Rogue - 30/09-1/10/16
    13. CORDOBA - XI Festival Internacional Juegos - 8/10/16
    14. CORDOBA - Desfile XI Festival Internacional Juego - 8/10/16
    15. MALAGA - Semana Voluntariado Universitario - 8/11/16 
    16. MALAGA - Hospital Materno Infantil Malaga - 10/11/16
    17. MALAGA - Asociacion Diabeticos Malaga - 12/11/16
    18. MALAGA - Colegio Sagrada Familia El Monte - 18/11/16
    19. MALAGA - Jornada Benefica Por Youness - 5/1/17 
    20. MALAGA - Centro Asistencial San Juan de Dios - 7/12/16
    21. SEVILLA - Festival de Navidad ANDEX - 17/12/16


    Arrest in 2017
    22. MALAGA - Cabalgata de Reyes - 5/1/17
    23. ALHAURIN DE LA TORRE (Malaga) - Salon Manga 21/1/17
    24. MALAGA - Entrega Premios Nena Paine - 7/2/17
    25. MALAGA - Pimpi Solidario - 28/2/17
    26. MALAGA - Asociación La Sonrisa de un Niño - 4/3/17 
    27. CARTAMA (Malaga) - Desfile Carnavales Cartama - 5/3/17
    28. MALAGA - Visita Centro Asistencial San Juan de Dios - 9/3/17
    29. Benalmádena (Málaga) Visita Centro Ocupacional - 22/03/17
    30. Málaga - Día mundial del Síndrome de Down - 25/03/17
    31. Sevilla - Visita Hospital Virgen del Rocio - 01/04/17
    32. Málaga - Colegio la Asunción - 20/04/2017
    33. Malaga - Lanzamienot DVD Rogue One MediaMarkt - 21/04/2017
    34. Málaga - Festival contra el cancer - MacFest - 29/04/2017
    35. Malaga -Día de Star Wars - The WorkShop - 4/05/2017
    36. Madrid - Galaxy Welcome Day Torrejon de Ardoz - 06/05/2017
    37. Málaga - 40 Años de Rebelión - UMA - 10/05/2017
    38. Bailen - JAEN - Desfile Asociación TEA - 20/05/2017
    39. Málaga - Día de la Hospitalidad - 28/05/2017
    40. Málaga-I Caminata Familiar AMPA CEIP Eduardo Ocón - 04/06/2017
    41. Málaga - Verbena "Todos los niños nos importan" - 10/06/2017
    42. Marbella - Boda Jesús y Cristina - 29/07/2017
    43. Málaga - Gran Recogida de Material Escolar- Zapas Solidarias - 10/09/2017
    44. Málaga - Verbena Solidaria - Asociación Alhelí - 23/09/2017
    45. Málaga -  III Torneo Benefico de Fútbol ( S.de Rett) - 12/10/2017
    46. Málaga - AMAPPACE - 14/10/2017
    47. Málaga - Málaga-Semana Voluntariado UMA 2017 - 17/10/2017 
    48. Málaga - VII Concierto Pa´lante a beneficio FMAEC - 04/11/2017
    49. Barcelona - Training Day VIII - 11/11/2017
    50. Málaga - Que la ilusión nos acompañe - Aspaym - 26/11/2017
    51. Málaga - Campaña de Donación de Sangre - Granja Suarez - 04/12/2017
    52. Málaga - Cinesur Málaga Nostrum-Estreno Ep VIII - 16/12/2017
    53. Málaga - Recogida de Juguetes Zapas Solidarias - 17/12/2017


    Arrest in  2018
    54. Málaga- Entrega Juguetes Cofradía de Luz y Mar - 05/01/2018
    55. Málaga - Fundación Pequeño Deseo - 08/01/2018
    56. Málaga - Visita Centro Equipo SIDI - 19/01/2018
    57. Edinburgh - Capital SciFi CON - 3/02/2018
    58. Málaga - FreakCON 2018. Fundación Andrés Olivares - 03/03/18
    59. Málaga - Hospital Materno Infantil -  15/03/18
    60. Málaga - Jornada de clausura II curso de Voluntariado del COMMALAGA - 20/03/18
    61. Marbella - Málaga - La Catarina X CADI - 31/03/18
    62. Córdoba - 2º Desfile en pro de Sonrisa de Lunares - 07/04/18
    63. Málaga - Grabación video promocional Muelle 1.2 - 20/04/18
    64. Málaga - XV Encuentro de Estudiante de Traducción  e Interpretación, pro CUDECA - 27/04/18
    65. Málaga - c/ Alcazabilla - Los Soles del Pimpi - 28/04/18
    66. Puerto de la Torre - Málaga - Los Soles del Pimpi - 28/04/18
    67. Málaga - Muelle 1.2 - Fundación Andrés Olivares - 05/05/18
    68. Málaga - Jornada Solidaria por el Cambio (UMA) - 16/05/18 
    69. Málaga - Donación de Sangre Universidad de Málaga - 04/10/18
    70. Málaga - Semana del Voluntariado 2018 Universidad de Málaga - 10/10/18


    Arrest in  2019
    71. Málaga - FreakCON 2019 - 09/03/19
    72. Torre del Mar - Málaga - Boda de Daniel - 26/07/09 
    73. Alhaurín de la Torre - Málaga - Festival Infantil Girasoles - 21/09/19

    74. Málaga - Gran Recogida de Alimentos 2019 Carrefour Rosaleda - 23/11/19


    Arrest in  2020
    75. Málaga - FreakCon 2020 con Fundación Andrés Olivares - 7 y 8/03/2020


    Arrest in  2021
    76. Donosti - THE PINK FORCE DAY - 27/11/2021


    Arrest in  2022
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    84. -
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    86. -
    87. -
    88. -
    89. -
    90. -


    • Like 1
  2. With my respects to the staff I leave here some ideas .... A bag to carry the T-21 or the DLT, t-shirts MEPD, sports technical T-shirt of the MEPD, bags to protect and carry our helmets with MEPD design, undersuit of the MEPD, we know that they can not be seen logos in an undersuit, but surely we found a way to customize it to the MEPD style without it being seen when we put on the armor.

    And resume other initiatives such as Resin MEPD badge, or MEPD trading cards.

    • Like 1
  3. I usually use a 9v battery with my Rom / fx, it is true that it does not last as long as with the pack of eight batteries, but it was very heavy for me to carry this pack.


    According to John tells us in the technical specifications of ROM/fx....

    The 9V battery connector will accept standard PP3 9V battery, however you can use 8 1.5v AA batteries giving 12 volts in total which will give longer run times and more volume. I highly recommend using the 12v set-up, but please bear in mind that you must not go over 12 volts. The unit does not have a built-in circuit, so if you accidentally put the battery terminals around the wrong way it will not fry the board.


    Along with the ROM/fx, I usually use a microphone with a Bluetooth transmitter / receiver, which has its own charge battery through microUSB. What makes the ROM/fx board feed the 9v, without using that power for the microphone, it works for me, I hope it works for you.

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