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Everything posted by macnolo

  1. Let´s do it SandBrothers! I'd like to formally request the 25 and 50 level awards. Counting the official troops on my Tour of Duty that have pictures, i have 68 arrest. You can find my Tour of Duty here, Thanks! ....
  2. Málaga - Jornada Solidaria por el Cambio (UMA) - 16/05/18 (Organizador y vestido) Solidarity event at the university in which books were exchanged per kilogram of food for families with economic needs.
  3. Málaga - Muelle 1.2 - Fundación Andrés Olivares - 05/05/18 Solidary Parade for Muelle 1.2, in benefit of an NGO that supports families of children admitted to the maternal and child hospital. During the event, several sandbro's are part of The Pink Force, accompanying R2-KT.
  4. Puerto de la Torre - Málaga - Los Soles del Pimpi - 28/04/18 Solidary event pro ONG Anheli, that helps to overcome depressions for the death of family members.
  5. Málaga - c/ Alcazabilla - Los Soles del Pimpi - 28/04/18 Solidarity event for the benefit of several NGOs
  6. Málaga - XV Encuentro de Estudiante de Traducción e Interpretación, pro CUDECA - 27/04/18 Solidarity and cultural event.
  7. Málaga - Grabación video promocional Muelle 1.2 - 20/04/18 Recording of a promotional video of Parade for Muelle 1.2, in benefit of an NGO that supports families of children admitted to the maternal and child hospital. Here you can see the magnificent result of the recording, thanks to the work of Sandbro' Chiquitín: https://www.facebook.com/501stspanishgarrison/videos/1663775646991759/
  8. 61. Córdoba - 2º Desfile en pro de Sonrisa de Lunares - 07/04/18 solidarity parade
  9. Marbella - Málaga - La Catarina X CADI - 31/03/18 solidarity party for the benefit of an NGO that works with mentally ill children
  10. Málaga - Jornada de clausura II curso de Voluntariado del COMMALAGA - 20/03/18 Closing event of a volunteer course
  11. Málaga - Hospital Materno Infantil - 15/03/18 visit to the maternal and child hospital
  12. Málaga - FreakCON 2018. Fundación Andrés Olivares - 03/03/18 [/url] [/url] [/url]
  13. Edinburgh - Capital SciFi CON - 3/02/2018 Great time with the Imperial Scottish Squad friends & my Sandbro´Brian Hannah
  14. Málaga - Visita Centro Equipo SIDI - 19/01/2018 Visit to a recovery center for children with neurological problems
  15. Málaga - Fundación Pequeño Deseo - 08/01/2018 make a dream event
  16. Málaga - Entrega Juguetes Cofradía de Luz y Mar - 05/12/2018 collection of toys to deliver at Christmas parties to children with economic problems.
  17. Málaga - Recogida de Juguetes Zapas Solidarias - 17/12/2017 collection of toys to deliver at Christmas parties to children with economic problems.
  18. Málaga - Cinesur Málaga Nostrum-Estreno Ep VIII - 16/12/2017 Premiere of Episode VIII
  19. Málaga - Campaña de Donación de Sangre - Granja Suarez - 04/12/2017 blood donation in a school
  20. 50. Málaga - Que la ilusión nos acompañe - Aspaym - 26/11/2017 solidary event
  21. Barcelona - Training Day VIII - 11/11/2017 National and annual event of Spanish Garrison
  22. Málaga - VII Concierto Pa´lante a beneficio FMAEC - 04/11/2017 Benefit concert for the fight against cancer in women
  23. Málaga - AMAPPACE - 14/10/2017 AMAPPACE party, with serious psychiatric illnesses
  24. Málaga - III Torneo Benefico de Fútbol ( S.de Rett) - 12/10/2017 sports charity event for the disease of Rett Syndrome
  25. Málaga - Verbena Solidaria - Asociación Alhelí - 23/09/2017 Solidary Event
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