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Posts posted by spOOL68

  1. When is this beauty up for sale? :woot:

    Ha! I love it! This one's gonna be for me but I'm getting pretty close to having all the parts for the "kit" stuff done. I've got one more part to fabricate and then mold and cast it. There's a few small parts that still need molds as well but I'm waiting on a new order of silicone right now. I've gotten most of my kit parts painted like the above example and ready for assembly. I want to get mine all together so you guys can take a look at a finished one and see how it comes together. So far I've cast everything in white resin but from here on out I'm going to tint everything while casting and it'll all come out a grey color.

  2. Got started on my T21 build while I'm saving $$ up for a set of armor. Finally got a few pics to get a build thread started. I'm doing a scratch build using Pandatroopers templates and lots of inspiration from all the build threads I could find here and over on the FISD. While I’ve been at it I spent a lot of time looking at threads on builds and what was available out there as far parts and pieces. I noticed that it’s pretty much feast or famine when it comes to the T21s. Either you go all in and purchase an awesome Hyperfirm or ready built blaster from other members who do great work, or you’re left on your own to make all the parts from scratch. I love making stuff from scratch but I can see the advantage to having some things you can purchase if you like to save a lot of time.

    So with that in mind I started doing molds and resin casts of most of the time consuming detailed parts. We'll see as I go along, but my thought was that if it turns out like I imagine it will, I'll offer up for sale some of the parts I'm making to help people have a sort of "kit" for those parts. I think it'll save a lot of time and work for those who'll utilize it. Let me know your thoughts on this. Although I've got a ways to go before that.

    But I'll start my build thread here and go from that. Thanks for looking!


    Obligatory stock shot


    Starting the side details


    Working on the ammo tray


    Test fitting the rear sight


    Testing the tray on the stock


    Got some stock shaping done


    Test fitting most of the side pieces together with the tray on


    Getting set to make a mold


    Mold looks pretty good:)


    Time to try a cast


    Cast of the side detail panel


    Cast of the ammo tray


    That's all for now. I'll update more as I go along.



  3. Hey everyone!

    This is Roger from St. Louis. I haven't started my build yet. Heck I haven't even bought a single thing yet. lol!!! I'm going through and reading and looking at as many threads and pics as I can. I just got done with a serious Ghostbusters pack build so I'm taking a financial break for a bit. But I thought I should use my time to do as much research as I can on becoming a TD. I plan on going for SWAT as the Move Along Trooper as of right now. So far this site has been a great place to learn along with the FISD. I've gotten hooked up on FB with the local squad and garrison. Thx to everyone for sharing their journey so far. Hopefully mine will officially start in the not too distant future.



    Not SW related but here's the pack I just finished if anyone cares:)


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