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Posts posted by tk7602

  1. so it looks like your sterling is also missing the bolt entirely. any thoughts on what you're going to do to fill in the space? in mine, you san see straight through to the magazine...

    Posted Image

    i was thinking that i could either:

    - buy a bolt from ima-usa.com and try to cut it down to fit in through the mag opening

    - cut a piece of PVC pipe to do the same, and put foil tape on it.

    i'll probably do the latter, since it will look more like what i think of when i picture a stormtrooper rifle.

  2. Thanks Dave!

    I ordered a set of the rigid T-Tracks from Saberfreak (RPF). It may take awhile to get here, but it's on it's way.

    waiting is the hardest part! i'm waiting on some of that too.

    I'm still not sure about the best way to cut the mag down. I'll have to look it over really closely.

    my thought on that was to cut the length i want, starting where the clip inserts into the gun, and leaving an extra 1/8th or so beyond that. then bend the edges out with some pliers or something, so that the endcap can slide back onto it the way it does now.

    then take the spring, cut it down quite a bit, and put the whole thing back together.

    the question there is how hard will it be to bend the metal?

    to get around that, i'm thinking i might make my first cut right in the middle, so that i have both ends of it to work with. that way, if it's harder than it looks, i can come up with a plan b.

  3. i think the MR display cases are great for showing off your favorite blaster, but i don't see myself ever getting the blaster itself.

    one of my friends troops with one sometimes. it's really really heavy. nice looking, but as others have said not accurate to what we think of as an E-11.

    i've currently got an MR case and a hyperfirm E-11.

  4. i've always been a bit put off by pooptroopers. my armor is real dirty when you see it up close, but often in pics it washes out to where i just look like a different color than the TKs.

    but i sanded all of the gloss out of my AP suit, so if that's not commitment, i don't know what is!

  5. You can always troop as a sandy with an E-11. I've done it numerous times, esp. on a long troop where there is multiple sandies. We'll have one E-11 in the group and trade it around. Even a HF Lewis gets heavy after a while.

    i left my mg-15 behind at my last troop, and went with the HF E-11 instead.

    in the new year, i'm hoping to get an MG-34 from the same folks that made the E-11. they mentioned that they will be selling stuff on ebay in the coming weeks, as things are ready to ship.

    one of my garrison-mates just got his E-11 that way, and it arrived in a matter of days.

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