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Posts posted by abntroop

  1. God! battlefront is friggin awesome!! we trooped tuesday, and are trooping again tonight, 2 gigs tomorrow, and again sunday. I'm friggin pumped, it's gonna be a full weekend!

  2. yeah, figured. sorry bud. I feel sorrier for all the folks that waited around on that instead of buying KOTR at the same time as the rest of us. with the new one coming out in december, talk about being behind the power curve.

  3. good beer? **** yeah it was. and the company wadnt bad neither. we were at the 501st carolina dinner the night before the parade, and the table I was at with pete mayhew was wayyy at the tail end of having dinner served. I guess there was some mix-up that left us hangin', so I was sittin next to pete and his wife chattin along, and we decide to cruise up to the bar to wait, so I'm there at the bar with pete and his wife, and turns out he loves guiness as much as I do, so we start drinkin, and I thought I could hold my own, but he drank me under the table. I did alright considering he's 7' somethin or another and I'm 5'6, so I figure he had more room to fill LOL. we musta drunk 7 or 8 pints in the first 12-15 minutes. the hangover was fowl, but that was one **** of a way to spend my 1st dragoncon. I'll never forget it. petes a nice guy, and even nicer to drink with!

  4. LOL. most I've ever done was through running late and being wayy too hungover a couple years back when they had the 1st dragon con parade. So I was runnin late, managed to get geared up, dehydrated as ****, jogged 6+ blocks in armor to the staging area only to stand there for a minute or so and walk all the way back. I kept burpin in my helmet and gaggin myself out. pretty foul, my fans crapped out, so no air circulation and I fogged over on top of it, and I had those awesome cold shivers runnin up and down my spine lettin me know I needed water fast LOL-kinda reminded me of my infantry days.. see, it all ties together!! aaaahhh those lovely Dcon memories. I love tryin to get the smell of beer outta my helmet for a month or so afterwards LOL!

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