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Posts posted by abntroop

  1. yeah, but we've come up with a million and one different ways of weathering, packs, etc. we'd need to really narrow it down to keep the options a little more basic for folks so they don't feel swamped. Just let them know that if they don't like the main listed methods, there are more to be had in the forums. just my 2 cents..

  2. nice! gotta love the crap we find to bolt on these things! all ya need to do is dirty that puppy up now! I used a drain plug for my disk. check your hardware store, theres alot of different options.

  3. I had the same prob, and finally got fed up enough to stop screwing with it, so I swapped over to a heavily modified Done Post Classic action, and it works likem a charm. just a smidgeon on the small side, but closer than the FX kit. on a side note, the RT helmets are still available, you just need to know who to go through. theres a middle man now.

  4. ditto on the advice upstairs, but screw the ABS cement. way too painstaking, use CA glue with spray accelorator, available at your local hobby store. The CA stands for type of glue not brand. trust me, if you havent used it, try it, you'll swear by it. works great on ABS, Styrene, etc etc. makes these projects go 10X's as fast and cleaner. bonds 100%. trust me, your kit won't come apart, just be careful with it.

  5. yep, looks good, I've used the mustard method frequently. works like a charm. I wouldnt however use it on the armor, it's not going to give you the effect you're looking for. You're looking for a sand/ mud/ carbon scoring look. That just boiuls down to misting coats on, getting heavy in the crevices (multiple techniques to doing this), and using fine sandpaper to re-highlight and clean the high spots and edges.

  6. Hmm..

    there are sooo many freaks and geeks that you will have a hard time tryng to convince anyone new that this isn't the kind of crowd in the majority of a group like the 501st.....

    Hope that helps...




    Southern Outpost CO

    501st Legion

    Hey now, let's keep this from getting personal! what's wrong with us freaks?
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