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Everything posted by TrainWreck

  1. 19. I keep this up until my battery is dead.
  2. That's awesome! I lived in L.A. for two years and always loved Griffith park. Great job!
  3. @clonecollector Thanks! I have a very small amount of experience with fabrication for films and theater (jack of all trades, master of none) but a lot of the credit goes to my wife for giving me pointers on what I could do to add demension with color and brush techniques (she is the one with the art back ground). @Felice Ultimately it will probably come down to budget and time. I enjoyed doing that so much that I can't imagine not doing another one so the next E-11 I get to will probably be a straight up attempt at a full bapty. Right now though every dime that doesn't go to getting my armor is that much longer it will be to approval. Thanks for the comments!
  4. Thanks guys for the good words. I'm building a shadow box for it to live in for now and will probably do more Tunisian mods on it later since I'm about to dive into a T-21 scratch build. Cheers!
  5. Hello guys. Brian here. I had posted an introduction in the appropriate thread but at the time I was unsure of which direction I was going for my costume. Well I've been haunting around here for a bit now and have caught the sand bug. I'm 100% sure I'm going TD. So about the E-11 I'm going to show you here in a minute. I had originally thought I might go with either an ESB IN or TK. So to cover all bases I started my doopy build planning to make an ESB Canon E-11. I've learned a bit of a lesson here about planning ahead. I have finished the basics on the gun but no longer have the power cylinders, counter, or an accurate scope. I am planning to eventually add those and redo the entire sight rail. But since I finished the gun with becoming a TD in mind I added a few elements from the Tunisian builds and weathered accordingly (I hope). Instead of retyping the whole thing I'm litterly going to cut and paste the final entry on my FISD build thread which has some more explanations, my weathering process, and all the final action shots of the gun. If you want to read the whole thread and see why I've named myself TrainWreck you can do that here: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/26791-dd-esb-e-11-build/ I'm open to any critiques or suggestions you guys have for this build or any future builds I will try. All my best to you guys! From FISD: "So now for some weathering. I really wished I had gotten some more pictures of the process for you guys but once I got focused on the task I just kept forgetting to take photos. All the weathering is done with Testors model paints. I used silver, one that I forget the name of but is a bit of a fleshy peach color (that's the stage I kept forgetting to photo), one that was simply labeled "rust" on the shelf, and a flat black. Primarily I dry brushed the whole thing but with a little bit of dabbing with the end of the brush and some straight up painting where it was appropriate. I took a picture of a water meter lid for insperation for the colors I needed: First I started with dry brushing the silver on all over the gun to give it a beat and scratched up look: Then I took the flesh/peach color and dry brushed that over the silver then took the rust and dry brushed it over that: I then went back over with the flat black to mute the whole rusted thing (sorry for the bad lit pictures, my work light broke during all of this and I was forced to move to a table lamp). I then worked my way over the entire gun: ...and that's pretty much it. I went and took some photos of the whole thing. Now before you say anything I had a conversation with Tim about how the bolt was probably WAY over done (thanks for the input BTW Tim!). I really liked the "fished out of a lake" look it and the cocking lever had but realized he was right so went back over the bolt to clean it up a bunch (reality be damned I like how my taco casa cocking lever came out and decided to leave that alone). So all of the next photos were taken before the bolt clean up and then the last two photos were taken after. So what do you guys think? I named her "Love Child." I ran out of paint but there is still some minor tweaking I would like to do at some point. I will definitely add an accurate scope, sight rail, power cylinders and counter as I get them in and get to it. Other possible mods for a Tunisian are making a custom trigger guard, losing my hard won D-ring, cutting of the top of Gazmosis' magazine to make it look like a wooden block was inserted into it (I'm not happy about that idea, just depends on how far I want to go with it), and of course the Tunisians had the back end cut off and the had an aluminum tube riveted to the back to replace it (the Tunisian gun laws were such that all of this necessary for the production to comply with them). All possible. we will just have to see. Also I had read at some point that on the ESB canons that the magazine release button was absent and so had ground that off the gun. That is the only thing that I'm just going to live with since I'm not excited atall about trying to remove and replace the magazine housing. For now, since I'm about to buy a bunch of pine board for my T-21, I'm going to make an open shadow box that she will live in on my wall. I'll probably post pics of that as I do it. Thank you guys for all of the support and putting up with this train wreck of a build! Outstanding human beings all of you! Feel free to critique, nit pick, and pull apart as you see fit. All will go into the collective store house of info for possible changes on this and future build. Be well and I will see all of you around the information super highway. Until the next one!"
  6. That explains that! Thanks. I haven't spent a lot of time with the parts manual I found yet. Some I've seen looked like they had greeblies or something on it but I guess that to could just be different styles for different versions of the gun. Ok I paused for a second to look at a high res screen shot of the gun (my wife has been writing a paper all week and I haven't had time to do much research on my computer, just my phone) and I totally see the wire I was talking about and the magazine lock now. Thanks again. I just started the weathering on my E-11 so hopefully I'll get started on this in a few weeks once I get a solid plan down and some more research under my belt (I didn't go into my E-11 build with much of a plan and am paying for it but lesson learned). I'll start a build thread here once she is underway. Saludé.
  7. I guess I'm going to just pick and choose what would look best close up but still have a sence of screen accuracy from a distance. Speaking of which, I've noticed that some of the builds have details (like the black wiring that runs along the sides and archs over the main barrel just after the rings, and a variety of shapes of the center site right where the shroud meets the reciever) that I don't see on the screen shots. I'm wondering where some of these come from? I had first guessed the video games since I was more of a book EU guy but in reality have no real clue. Does anyone have an idea for the source of some of these details?
  8. I said this on FISD but no Lando! I wants me some more Billy D! Otherwise I for one am really excited.
  9. Yeah I'm wondering if maybe it was made from parts of several different Lewis MGs. I didn't know if anyone had come across a definitive answer.
  10. Excellent! That looks like more fun anyway. I have noticed that that one has a different rear site than what everyone is fabricating. Is there any clear shots of that (I know there isn't much to work with screen wise) or is it just users choice? Thanks for the info!
  11. Has anyone been able to figure out which version of the Lewis they used in ANH? It only appears to be small difference in the buttstock assembly and which type of scope was used but I was just curious since I'm currently researching the build. These two URLs are the two different versions from what I can tell (though they don't actually specify MkI and MkII in the listings, I figured out the diffrance from looking at a parts supply site). Any way here are the two versions I found. MkI: http://www.deactivated-guns.co.uk/detail/1914_lewis.htm MkII: http://www.deactivated-guns.co.uk/detail/1914_Lewis_and_spare_magazine.htm As stated above there are differences in the buttstock and grip, and the two versions have completely diffrent rear sites. Any info anyone has on which version was used would be greatly appreciated! Saludé!
  12. I in fact just confirmed from a friend who works at kinkos that she can get me two copies of the template on single big sheets of paper. It will be a few weeks before I get started but I'll post a build thread here on MEPD (I'll probably double post it in fact on FISD to get as much feed back as possible). I've built structures out of wood but have never tried to shape them before. I don't know if this has been posted here before but I found a website last night that has several different PDF downloads of Lewis user manuals for anyone who wants an original refrance source: http://www.forgottenweapons.com/light-machine-guns/lewis-light-machine-gun/ Thanks again!
  13. Looks like I just found out what I'm doing after my Doopy is done. Great job and thanks for putting that build out there! It gives people like me hope that a scratch build is within our reach. I might have to pick your brain when I get to it.
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