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Desert Rat

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Posts posted by Desert Rat

  1. Can I just ask a couple of questions that you put on the recommendations for new CRL please.

    On item 6 you mention modified wetsuit ! Can you please expand on this, and are you saying that we sgould be wearing an actual wet suit now. My understanding was that the actual under armour suits were that of cloth made materials and not the wetsuit type.

    On item 2 you mention height requirement of between 5'8 and 5'11. Isn't this being discriminative against those who are that bit smaller or bigger in height !

    Regards. Scott

  2. SWAT was never designed to be an easy programme and does take time and effort to achieve.

    It's a real shame that the open forum which is supposed to be a place for openness and Q &A to an extent is abused. As someone that many people look up to Bluey it was a real shame to read what you had put, and felt that this was an attack and kind of personal. Smally is only doing his job and the bar was set accordingly. Positive and constructive feedback also given.

    We are a brotherhood and should stick together that's what makes us special. I hate negativety so let's all stop this and get along.

    I'm sure that there are others who reside near to you that would help you in achieving your SWAT status as you are too close to call it quits.

    Finally I am going for my SWAT later this year and know that it will be no easy task so I expect lots of going back and forth to tweet things.

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