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Posts posted by TrooperVic

  1. Thanks Vic!

    No problem :)

    Doesn't it slighty change the color of the bucket when you look at it from the outside? My rs is minimal transparent so i wonder if its giving a minimal "grey" to the helmet..?!

    Not that I'm aware of. I guess it depends on the maker...I have ATA. If there is, I think the weathering helps mask that.

  2. I lightly sanded the inside before coating it with the Plastidip spray. They do also sell other options where you can dip stuff into.

    I'll try to remember and take a picture of my bucket and post it when I get home from work :)

  3. *UPDATE*

    I sent in my photos for approval this weekend. :dance:

    Here's a picture of my completed neck seal. I used Pandatrooper's tutorial on FISD.


    Here's one of my submission photos. At the time, I didn't realize my left shin was a little crooked :P Sorry for the bad pic by the way.

    Also, A BIG thanks to TheTrooper for the hook up on the TK Boots. I freaking love them. Thanks for the help.


    I decided to take it out for a test run this weekend at the El Centro Air Show to see what needs improvements. Here's a shot my girlfriend took in front of some Blue Angels. Since I'm still working on getting an E-11, a squad member let me borrow his DLT-19

    After wearing it this weekend, here are some minor tweaks I need to make.

    • Resize the thighs. The bottom of my left thigh (ammo box) gets caught on the top of my shin. I can still walk fine, but I can see it's going to be trouble later on.
    • The shoulder pouch will have to be secured another way until I can get a pack.
    • Secure the thighs with webbing instead of elastic. I felt like they were drooping more and more as walked.

    Overall I was really happy how it held up. Thanks to everyone for the kind words of support and for the help. TD-21782 will be reporting for duty soon and in line for Officer deployment. :salute:


  4. Thanks Purplehaze!


    I started the weathering process at our squad armor party. This is only stage 1. I want to add a little more grey and light brown colors. I may have to resize the thighs depending on how my boots will fit me once I get them, so that along with my arms and belt will be last to be weathered.




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