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Posts posted by Kiwisapper

  1. Great work Vince, I was a bit like you I brought a set of troopable FX armour, then when it final arrived there was no way you could troop it, spending a lot of time fixing and correcting items on it. Looking at it now and I'm still working on it I would have been a lot better off buying new and making the whole thing.

    Oh well lessons learnt.

    Need out fit will be new thats for sure but there is no way I'm going to not finish my sandie.

  2. Looking at the road block move along captain as he seems to have the most shots that I have been able to find. Helmet, front armour and his right side and right rear seem to have a lot of photos. Thought that seeing as I will need to get a pauldron and back pack I may as well get kit that can be used for SWAT.

  3. This may already be out there and I may have missed it but....

    Weathering for SWAT?

    How do you get the suit the same as a set trooper, I've looked but there doesn't seem to be shots of individual troopers from all sides there are front on one the odd side shoot and the back but not a whole suit.

    Is it just weathering the parts of your suit to match a screen shot suit and then using a simpler weathered look for the rest of the suit?

  4. Hi guys and gals, Posted Image

    I'm work for NZ Railways and I am in the New Zealand Army Reserve engineers.I collect military items and have in the past done medieval reenacting, do WW2 German and Vietnam Kiwi and US. I think what you guys do is great getting out with people and promoting Star Wars. I started of looking at getting an Imperial uniform, but then one of the guys down here at Outpost42 had a Sandie for sell, so going the whole hog, bring on the droids.

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