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Posts posted by weena

  1. I am reposting this from the Legion Board.... think this is way cool and this brother needs our support. It is in "Off Topic" if your interested. :thumbsup:

    Have a great one,



    Need your help to be the 1st Stormtrooper in space FOR REAL!

    Posted Image Thu Jan 17, 2013 9:12 pm quote Hi Imperial Trooper,

    AXE, the body product for men, has started the AXE Apollo Space Academy. Only 2 Canadian citizen will ha the chance to do the space Camp and make a real travel in space!


    Together we ca unite to send the first Stormtrooper in space for real and maybe start to built the new DEATH STAR. Imagine a member of the 501st Legion in space, what a stunt we could do and the news could spread all across the world and give the Legion such a visibility. One of the first voyager in space can be a STORMTROOPER, a real Star Wars Fan!!


    Go to this link:


    And click on "VOTE"

    That's it !

    If everybody of the legion give me a vote and share this to their contact, We can make it!!

    Thanks in advance everybody!


    OK I need a second boost, With your help, I went from 1235th to 82th place ! THANK YOU SO MUCH !!! Now, I need to climb to le FIRS PLACE !!! Everybody who doesn't vote yet, Please take just a minute to do it. it,ll be very appreciate !

    JP Rivard

    Canadian Garrison


  2. Had a blast at CVI. It was my first Con ever and what a way to start. I am the lone girl in the picture, but you would never know with my helmet on.

    I agree with everything that was said. The biggest tell for me was the sandtrooper walking around Friday with his pauldron on the wrong shoulder. Also, the quality of the pauldron. We saw one that looked more like a plastic bag. Had no shape to it at all.

    I was happy to meet all of you and look forward to CVII. I agree with ground pounder, next time we need to plan something and show them all how it is done.

    Colleen (weena) Bucholtz

  3. I am a 501st member TD8638. I just don't post much and didn't realize I was not in the member's only. Good to know. I am very new to this process and my husband isn't always the most helpfull when explaining things. I will see if I can figure out the boards better.

  4. Just wondering if we have any trading cards for the MEPD? Didn't find any new information in the forums about it.

    Also, does anyone have any MEPD coins? I would love to have a challenge coin for the group.

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