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Posts posted by Archangel

  1. Name: Sheldon Ewers

    Nickname: Archangel

    I.D. # 0192

    Garrison: Great Lakes Garrison

    Weapon: E-11 (Till I can afford a DLT-19)

    Backpack by Dirty Boy. "Move Along" Pack

    Pauldron: Trooper1

    Weathering Style: Fullers Earth

    Armor Shoulder Straps: Duck Cloth

    Afternoon everyone, After pain staking hours, redos, frustration, and the realization of hard work paying off I would like to formally request MEPD Police Officer Deployment. Here are the photos. Juan has seen my pouches and they are currently in transit. I have attached pictures. Pouches arrive Friday. Tracking UPS shipment.
























    The first link has approximately 19 photos. The rest of the links are individual pics. Thanks for the time of critiquing the armor and thanks to all the troops who have assisted me to prepare for this submission. I welcome any and all comments. Enjoy the photos!

    Sheldon "Archangel" TD 0192

  2. The pouches have been shipped to me. I will have them at the latest on friday. The loops for the belts are 3 5/8 inches to accomodate the wide belts the troops wear. Once I get the belts I will post pics of the back. I am still waiting for Juan to give me the final approval and we will place the order. I am glad you all like them. :thumbsup:

  3. I would like to tell everyone brother Brendon Ewers who is a member of the Star Garrison is welcoming his new daughter today. His wife is in labor and it is his first child! He is eagerly anticipating her arrival as we all are. Just wanted to take a moment and share this awesome news with all the troops!

    Congratulations Brendon and Maria! Welcome little Gretchen!


  4. i cant wait until July 6. We need pics NOW!!! :)

    When do you think this might begin to ship once we place orders? Cant wait to see them.

    Patience Young Trooper! I should have pics soon. I have been talking with Mary frequently and the first two are being made as I type! Pics soon! I would think we can start shipping by the latter part of July as I currently have an order of 40 pouches currently. I will verify all orders once the pouches have been approved. :thumbsup::td:

  5. i know some hobby stores sell it for train model landscaping. the one close to my house has it.

    Thanks for the suggestion! I may have found something right near my house. Not fullers Earth but possibly similar. One of them has flecks of green so that is not the one but they do have a second one. A little lighter that tan. I was told possibly Off white or like a bone color. We shall see.

  6. The frustrating part is that I only need a small amount. I will see if there are any train retailers near me. I havent heard of any but then again I havent specifically looked. Thanks :thumbsup:

  7. Does anyone know where I can get some more of the fullers earth sand color? I originally ordered from Trooperbay and they are out of stock. I have my calves and thighs to complete and the armor is done. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Help? :6:

  8. I have approximately 36" of black abs pipe after I cut my piece off. I would be happy to help you out. I have my section so therefore the remaining piece is going to do nothing but lay around the house and get in the way. Let me know if interested.
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