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Status Updates posted by TheEvilJawa

  1. Waka waka waka waka :v • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

  2. So tonight, while editing a super long video for youtube, I heard a loud BOOM, followed by 3-4 POP sounds coming out from my window. As I open my window I hear a female scream *EEEAAAAAHHHH!!!!!.*Following my natural instincts, I slam my window shut, run to all my doors, lock them, and turn my house lights off. Home alone, no protection, scared shitlless.Minutes later I call 911 and tell the reciever dude, "I think I heard gunshots" after he asks me all the needed info, and I give him my...

  3. Fun time trooping with all you Mando's and DSG guys again! Good to see kids smile again. :DLoved the lego stor event#lego #legostore #starwars #501stlegion #trooping


  5. "Are you aware that your rewards catalog sucks? Everything is too overpriced for what it is. Example: almost 11k points for a shirt? A shirt I could spend $20 on instead of $1,000. Because in order to get 1,000 points I have to spend roughly 100 dollars. I am aware that you also get points for trading in games, but real gamers like their collection. We like showing off. Maybe it's time for you to rethink your rewards system. Think about us gamers, and not your wallets."-Angry Customer....

  6. Afro SamuraiAfro Samurai: ResurrectionAh My GoddessAlakazam the GreatAngel BeatsAppleseedAquarionAstonishing X-MenBaccanoBaka and TestBaldr Force EXEBasiliskBirdy the Mighty: DecodeBlack Blood BrothersBlack ButlerBlassreiterBlood+Blue DropBlue GenderBlue Gender: The WarriorBurst AngelCanaanCasshern SinsChobitsClannad After StoryCorpse PrincessThe Crazies Motion ComicD. Gray-manDance in the Vampire BundDarker Than BlackDead LeavesDemon King DaimaoDesert PunkDok...

  7. Well, I had an interesting week; However, now with all that behind me, I got new stuff I'm looking to work on! First off, Gotham City Swat Officer, hoping to wear to AACC (Amazing Arizona Comic-Con). A new Smuggler outfit out of street wear I can modify, thanks to a friend who is chipping in a Han Solo blaster for $30. Last, but never the least, hahaha, my Jedi! Oh my it has been TWO LONG YEARS since my screen accurate and tailored JEDI ROBE went missing, and today I found it!. WOO HOO!

  8. Wow, first day back to school after hearing about another school shoot up in Conneticut, and already another similar crime occurs. My school (Arcadia High) is in Moderate lockdown mode due to a possible armed Robery somewhere behind our school.....just my luck.

  9. Dear Trey Parker, From a life long fan, hear me out. I have an Idea for an upcoming South Park episode. This time, dealing with the outlawing of violent video games and gun control (due to the recent shooting in Conneticut). Please if possible show the fact that if these were outlawed, pycho killers would still run rampant, no matter what. Play a fun spin on this, without being too negative.....maybe bring back the Donald Trump impersonation. -Anyways, that is all. South Park fan

  10. Anyone else having problems with Facebook images?

  11. At Cavalia with my mother, she is trying to toast with me (two glasses of Champagne). It's illegal lol. Hopefully it'll be a good day. Yey Horses!

  12. Good night to spend with cousins I haven't seen in a while. Hope every one of my friends has had a wonderful holiday season so far.

  13. OK WTF?! Just noticed that Amazing Arizona Comic-Con is now in downtown Phoenix at the Phoenix Convention Center. When the **** did this happen?! $50 too! Todd VanHooser you show there, whats the deal man? It was like $15-$20 the past couple years. Anyone know how big its going to be?

  14. Just saw the prescreening to GangsterSquad, a rather well filmed Tarantino type of movie. Slow at first, but got better towards the end. Not to mention, Arizona's own Emma Stone. :DFunny thing though, once I got home, I heard something rather odd come out of my moms mouth....."There was a Raccoon on our front porch not ten minutes ago."What in the f**k? LOL...HAHAHA MY VERY OWN **** GUYS! YIPPE!

  15. Please understand where I'm coming from when I say this. 911 is not a Westerner (American) conspiracy. It did happen, and it was all caused by a terrorist attack from Al Qaeda. People who were Muslim. These 8 or so people who hijacked these planes knew what they were doing. It had been planned for a while, and was executed without anyone knowing until it was too late. That is why the United Stated today fights against terrorism and that is why we are allied with Israel. TO STOP TERRORISM NO M...

  16. I hate when some people are too scared to talk to you, they have someone else do it for them. The nerve os some people. Grrr. >:(

  17. If you don't know how loud guns actually are, let me tell you. They are f**king loud! I went down to the Phoenix Gun and Rod Club to capture audio for Tarmac, and that was seriously the first time I realized that I was f**king stupid to think guns weren't as loud as people say. Standing 10 feet behind a guy unloading a full clip of 45. Cal. bullets into a wall of dirt hurt me more than if someone came up to me and slapped me in the ears. OUCH! Tomorrows first step before going back.....EAR PR...

  18. So, rewriting the script to Tarmac, and....it's going pretty well. :)

  19. I really want Adobe Production Premium Suite CS6, and my camera. I hate waiting lol. Let it be May already!

  20. How'd they make Ted on stage at the Oscars?! I must know!

  21. So I've been told, the United States might not exist this coming monday. Want to know who started the rumors? It ryhmes with NORTH KOREA! >:( ( No offense intended)

  22. Red Square with pink equals sign. Am I cool now? ;)So I heard Supreme Court is taking another *** bill under consideration? What's with ***'s wanting the title married so badly? Marriage is Biblical. It's a ceremony between a man and a woman, where each person gives their vows to never love anyone else and to love each other always through sickness and health. It's never said in the Bible (Christian) or the Tora (Judaism) that marriage is between two men and two woman.This doesn't mean ga...

  23. Finally 30 Second to Mars makes a new album.....THANK YOU!

  24. Peace is a lie, there is only passion.Through passion, I gain strength.Through strength, I gain power.Through power, I gain victory.through victory, my chains are broken.The Force shall free me.- Sith Code -

  25. As much as it pains me to say...for the love of Star Wars is great in me, playing swtor is great, but having it turn f2p is like watching Darth Vader suffocate to death at the end of ROTJ. I really wanted swtor to beat wow back in 2011. *sighs* To bad EA had to mess up the release.

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