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Mr BoJangles

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Everything posted by Mr BoJangles

  1. Yeah.............they are really expensive - alright. I wish that little bugger can drive me to work
  2. Oh........I was around.............just busy making other props - especially this one. Look...Sir !!! Droid. !!!! Finally decided to do a TD. So why not do a backpack too
  3. Vintage..............don't know exactly the year. But the hardware are all metal and can't remember seeing one those nowadays.
  4. Just showing my current backpack project. Got the main boxes done. I am offering these boxes to members within my garrison. Might do the same if there are any interets here They are .09 ABS. Have a few Tupperwares to be mauled and still gathering more info for the rest of the pack. Currently working on the mold for the radio face plate. Constructive ideas and comments are welcome. Here a few pics.
  5. Another option beside the leather and nylon webbing, is to use those vinyl wall baseboard that you can get at Home Depot or Lowes. They come in a 4 foot lenght and white in color and can be easily cut with utility knife. They are durable and flexible. You can rivet it, snap or velcro to the plates. Also you can use this as the back part of your armor belt. Trim it to size and wrap it with canvas or duck cloth. They are sturdy enough to hang your holster versus those layers of canvas belt.
  6. Any new update on the radio box ?????
  7. BTW, out of curiousity....who came out with the backpack requirement to join the MEPD? I just hope it is not the "Joe the Moose" . I will smack him in the head the next time I see him J/K Joe.........
  8. Cool.....................
  9. So from my understanding is that MEPD has a stricter requirements than the 501st? I always thought that MEPD is a 501st detachment and all TDs can be channeled into MEPD without any other requirements. Please correct me if I'm wrong since I am a noob.
  10. Sorry for a noob question. Is backpack required to get a TD designation ? Looking at this pic, there are a few TDs don't not carry any backpack.
  11. How about the thickness ....3"....4"....or ????? Thanks
  12. I seen alot pics about the Radio box and can figure out as far as the design. Can somebody kind enough to give me the right measurement? I am going to do mine from scratch. Thanks
  13. Real life Jim...................real life always gets in the way. Have not seen you trooping for awhile ???
  14. Yeah...............thanks Mario. It's a small world.
  15. Greetings to all my fellow dirty comrades. Been a TK all these time and currently working my armor into a sandtrooper and would like to be enlisted. No backpack (still gathering found items to do a backpack) but got a nice BFG and orange pauldron. Just make a mold and pull a sniper plate - first step. BTW just registered yesterday and guess what - member # 421.
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