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Posts posted by ECOLI

  1. Hey panda,

    AP said that his does not come with a knee plate "You can make both version with mine, the only thing you need to make yourself is the diamond knee piece but I can include the matching ABS plastic so you cann easily make one, I knwo there's a pattern somewhere, ask around" I will have to make it myself. He kinda hinted that there was a pattern out in the forums somewhere???


  2. Indeed I have to say bad timing too. I was on leave for a couple weeks. The weekend after I had to return the first ever ABQ comic con!!! Needless to say I sent my girlfriend and my mother :lol: down to get an autograph with Peter Mayhew to capture this monumentous event. I apologize if my mother chatted you guys up for an hour or so B) .

  3. Guys,

    I am jsut really excited I wanted to do this for years and am already planning another project and I have not finished this one. I met some of you guys a few years ago in front of a local walmart in ABQ, NM and have been hooked since. The wait is killer though...

  4. :) Alright I feel like I need to express my progress so far.

    Mp40 pouches- Check

    Zaddok pouches- on order you the man!- Check

    Orange Pauldron- Check

    Hyperfirm DLT-19- on order thanks guys!- Check

    Tkboots- Check

    Neckseal- Check

    Blackundersuti- check

    Tools of the trade- Check

    Armour- <_< Waiting

    Pack- pening my decision- check

    Becoming an Imperial Sandtrooper, and blasting my way through sands, Jawas, Tusken Raiders, and Rebel Scum!!!

    Priceless!!!!! :dance:

  5. Scootch,

    This was great you answered and in a very in depth way showed me how to do some of the questions I have been wondering myself. I am anxiously waiting for my chance to try the same thing on my kit. Thanks alot great looking lid. I also by chance found those magnets in a Hobbytown in the school project section <_< . They were pretty inexpensive and are amazingly strong.

  6. Ahh I alas am very disappointed about not being able to meet some of you guys my hometown is ABQ and I was disappointed to not be able to attend due to my current military obligation. I sent my mother and my girlfriend down there if you guys talked to them you have my sympathies. :D Anyway sometime soon I will be back and hopefully with an up and running TD.


  7. Hey Bud,

    I am new and I found on youtube a weathering tutorial, I have been trying to find it around here and haven't yet. Heck I think it was done by Pandatrooper. Anyway with the acrylic paint it was as easy as wipe on wipe off and after you kinda mixed your colors and found the shade or pigment look you want test it out on a piece of spare plastic and see how it looks. On the white background the pigment will be the color it will be on the armor, and you may want to change color proportions, depending of course on what you want. I just saw some photos of MightyTanks armor after using the acrylic paint and weathering with a greenish color. Again using a wipe on wipe off method and it looks awesome.

    I thought the link was under officer training but I checked and it was not, if it was Pandatroopers link he may give it to you. It was very clear and easy to follow, and when they say it is as easy as wiping on then off it is.



  8. Guys again helping a newbie out,

    I agree accuracy is whats important and after a few mistakes I do not dive head in without asking. And I can see the frustration on one end you strive for the accurate pouches but on another those pouches are rough to find and for a new person it may be some time to get those pouches and I def. want the status :rolleyes: . Anyway that helps and I will def keep looking. Once again if I find one, and pick it up I am going to take measurements. As the time goes on they will just become more rare. having a resource for some may be handy.



  9. I see :blink: now I think I read the other night that those French pouches, in another post can get you 501st approval? And will also get you deployed? I have been looking for those Spanish ones pictured and I will admit I cannot find anything. If I ever come across one and pick it up I may try my hand at some leather craft and see what happens. Thanks Woody the Info is helping just sucking it all in before my kit arrives.

    You guys rock I cannot wait to join the ranks. Oh stupid Question are we sure those are Spanish???


  10. Ok so my first build,

    What size snaps, elastic, etc should I be looking for to build my first kit. I have been making a list up on items before my kit is ready just would like to have them all on hand before the build which is a way. This could also be very good if I need to order random parts etc.

  11. Airbrush vs Paintbrush

    I have heard some guys recommend wet sanding etc, etc, I was trying to see if there was a great step tutorial ablout doing that to the helmet I have messed with spray paint before and I hand painted my lid with Humbrol. I was getting bad bleed through on the painters tape. As for the wet sanding and the polishing after etc. I know thats how they do it with cars just seeing if someone had a great step by step with some photos. I have some time to investigate but what you told me really helps. THANKs

  12. Ok,

    So I have some time to get together tools and instructions for my armor build. Waiting on that box is killer :) Is there any good threads on making the lid look great. More specifically I am looking for good direction with the frown area becoming grey. Paint? Decal? and I am looking at the vocoder how I get that part of my lid black. Then the final question is How will I return that look to glossy after all the paint. I painted my EFX frown and it is dull compared to the rest of the helmet and I want to fix that for my next lid any help would be great.

  13. Thanks Guys

    I knew it was time to really get into the project I was running out of small accessory type items I almost have them all. Need a few here and there but I think it will all come together once I have the armor kit itself and am in process of putting it together. I partially modded an EFX and was amazed at how a minor mod could make the helmet look even more bad A@@. I cannot wait to start from the ground up.

  14. Oh ok I better tell what I do have


    tk boots on wait list


    Orange Pauldron

    Small pouches

    Blackened Mp40 pouches

    Nomex gloves

    Rivet Gun (I know you cannot leave the barracks w/o one)

    Need blaster

    Need Pack

    need most of these tools where can I get lexan scissors and industrial velcro I have E6000 :)

    I would get:

    - undersuit (Underarmor, etc)

    - TK boots from TKboots.com

    - neckseal

    - blaster of your choice

    - canvas belt

    - canvas shoulder straps

    - pauldron

    - pouches

    Also, start looking into tools and supplies like E6000, industrial velcro, elastic, snaps, lexan scissors, craft knife, sandpaper, spring clamps, etc.

    If you want a more accurate helmet, you can upgrade the brow trim, neck trim, lens material and mic tips.

  15. Well gents,

    It was time I have decided to make the leap and order my brown box I just put the down payment on an AP brown box and will in the mean time be prepping to make it worthwhile. I cannot wait to work on this and see it to completion. Any advice on things to pick up before it gets here??? I also hope to post pics on the progress etc I know I am going to need some help.

  16. Thanks Guys,

    I am tying to get this all the small pieces ready for that box of fun.

    That is a good question I have not tried to wash them with the dye and TK-5069 that is a good question I accidentally had a drop of dye on the box when I took the picture and left a black stain on my families table cloth :( My mother was ******. Anyway, she scrubbed that thing with everything she had and it did not come out and that was a fresh stain so after they dry, my guess would be some would come out but not very much.

  17. Ok so I thought this might help people trying to dye their canvas MP40 pouches.

    I found canvas Mp40 pouches at a local gun show for about $25 which from what I can find is a steal. They were originally a light khaki green.

    Dyed Black pouches

    Posted Image

    Fiebings Dye

    Posted Image

    They came out great and it is very easy to do. I hit a local Tandy leather and picked up exactly two bottles of "Fiebings" leather dye: color is "USMC Black" it comes with a swab for each bottle and cost about $5 each. The process is easy just swab the dye and dab it on the canvas. The dye tends to soak into the fabric so be cautious it will soak through the material.

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