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Everything posted by FryGuy

  1. Ok, I kind of feel like a dolt for posting this, but is there anyplace that has a comparison of all of the 5 different pack and their names? I see "Pack #3" or "Seargants Pack" or "Move Along Pack" and so on referenced all over the threads in this section, but I cannot seem to find the names with the accompanying pictures. I know it must be here somewhere, but I am on page 14 now and still can't find it. I must have missed it. Seems to me I saw it at one time when I started the TD build this summer.
  2. THAT was Absolutely PERFECT!!!
  3. Same thing happened to me, but after I ate all of the extra blue frosting from a cake.
  4. Wow! You guys are FAST! Thanks. Looks like I have some more reading to do now....
  5. Oh, snap! I guess I gotta get on that. I already have 501st approved IC, TI, and TD uniforms! Who do I need to contact to get full access?
  6. Wait another second...is there a "TD only" forum? How did I miss that, too? Man...I got to get out more! I was hoping the SWAT team would be more like the MEPD COPs, where we could carry sidearms and binders and other things that we imagine TD police would carry instead of more screen-accurate. Kind of like the post asking what non-cannon mods people have. http://forum.mepd.net/index.php?showtopic=4948&hl=non-cannon&st=0
  7. MEPD SWAT? How did I miss that one??? I Like where this is going!
  8. On the belt, yes. I am using 2 right now. Good for 501st, but probably not for deployment unless you can find an example who is using 2 on the belt. Lots have 1 on the belt.
  9. Glossy. Absolutely. When it was first issued to you, it was shiny. Now, it is dirty and worn, but it still has that "I was glossy, shiny, and new once" look to it. I put 2 coats of glossy white on my HIPS before weathering. I did a few extra pieces unglossed just to see what it would look like and there really wasn't any comparison. The gloss shows through just enough to make it seem "real".
  10. Awesome tutoral! Tried it out and it works swell. Thanks!
  11. Thanks! I need a backpack for deployment. I'll start on that next!
  12. I read through the posts below and found others having the same problem. I tried to post a few new pics, and was told I had exceeded the 500mb limit. I went and deleted most of my pics from other posts, but there has got to be another way. I tried to follow the directions on the post below about how to do it with photobucket, but I can't figure it out.
  13. Got my official orders this morning!
  14. Yeah- I wanted to go a little dirtier on the bottom because I figured that is the part closest to the ground when I am walking/kneeling. I was using my real uniform as an example. I go through about 3x more pants than tops. I am extremely happy with the top. I still may lighten up the bottom a bit. I don't know- it may grow on me. Now I need my helmet to get here!
  15. I did the "oily/dirty" method. I like how it turned out, but am thinking it may be too much on the lower body. Comments?
  16. I know it has the wrong buckle and would need to be colored, but are the dimensions good? Looks like a good price and plenty available. http://cgi.ebay.com/USED-French-Large-Desert-Tan-ammo-pouch-sold-each-/310246613918?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item483c23a39e
  17. Always remember- we need to be BETTER than screen-accurate. On screen, you see it far away for a few seconds from the angle they wanted it. In real life, we don't have that luxury, and anything that can help the illusion is good.
  18. Searching through ebad, I found this. Does anybody use this? Doesn't look like it would pass. http://cgi.ebay.com/White-Rubber-Trim-Armors-STAR-WARS-PROP-/300470619667?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item45f571ce13#ht_1528wt_1139
  19. That would add that "All scratched to Heck" detail, though!
  20. To get that natural "dog tired" look...
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