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Everything posted by clutch

  1. Cool. thanks! My throat mic was wired backward and I could get a sound to come out if I tapped it on the table. I never thought to turn the gain up. I also have RS holding one of those amps for me. Gonna play around with that tonight.
  2. I would definitely try trimming the forearm piece first. I had that problem and just a small amount of trimming fixed it. It also helps to put some foam in the forearm piece to keep it from rotating. Sometimes when it rotates too far, the pinching begins.
  3. Lots of good talk coming in about how people rig their armor for sound. Just thought I'd make a thread just to gather all the info in one place. So far I've heard that we store sound system equipment in the chest area, the back, the helmet, various pouches on the shoulder and belt. Has anyone experimented with a throat mic? I tried for days to get mine to work and I have concluded that it must be dead. I'm on the fence about trying to buy another one. Any good headsets out there? This is my second option if the throatmic doesn't pan out. I currently use the rather large mic that came with the romFX taped onto a piece of coathanger wire that I loop around the back of my head. Rather embarrasing when the helmet comes off. I was also wondering if anybody knows of a small amp that I could place between my romFX and the speaker? Sometimes it just doesn't seem like it is loud enough. It'd also be cool to have a system that could be easily transported from one suit to another.
  4. Definitely top notch stuff! Anybody got any more pics? I never tire of looking at these things.
  5. Oh yeah, forgot to mention, I'm currently a TK. You TD's definitely have more hidey places. Putting the romfx in back is do-able, but then you'd have to worry about where to conceal the wires. And then if you put your speaker back there, then it would sound like you were talking out of your... I want something I can throw on and go. BTW, I was hanging out 'backstage' with the TN Titans cheerleaders and one of them called me darth vader.
  6. I was just thinking about that. The speaker that came with the romfx is small enough to fit under my chest armor and I can't tell it is there. I'm thinking about attaching the romfx itself to the lower inside of the chestarmor because right now, I cannot adjust anything once the armor is on. If it was lower, I think I could reach up underneath the armor and turn it on/off, etc... As far as sound and whatnot, I was recently at an event that was in a gymnasium and I had to repeat myself several times. I don't know if this was because of my voice which doesn't carry well in crowds to begin with, or because the romfx was not loud enough. I asked a couple of people if they could hear me and they said yes, so I'm not sure. I did modify my romfx to be louder with the 8 AA battery setup. I have two 4x battery holders mounted under the abplate where the buttons are. Another thing that was happening is that the announcer was so loud, my mic picked up his voice and would click almost evreytime HE spoke! I think the ideal setup would be to have speakers and everything inside the helmet, but that adds weight, takes up room, and I haven't heard of anybody conceiling speakers behind hovi-mix sized aerators. It seems that in order to be suit-accurate, you have to give up some on the sound quality/ease of use. I'm not about to attach a speaker to the side of my belt. Sorry for the de-rail.
  7. Well TE confirmed that my bucket isn't one of his and is un-fixable. Sigh.....
  8. OIC. I just used a canvas belt to hold up my thigh armor. I agree with the suspender thing. They are almost unnecessary, but they add a little bit of support and I use the straps to hold my sound system. I have a speaker on one strap and the romfx board on the other.
  9. If you are referring to the weightbelt part, I discarded that. I only used the suspenders and the 4 clips that were attached to the weightbelt.
  10. You could do like mine. Here is the ab plate: http://www.heycomputer.com/sthowto2/final/ab_back.jpg The back plate is identical as far as straps. This suspender system is great: http://www.rpf.invisionzone.com/archive ... t/belt.jpg Just cut the 4 clips off the belt and glue them to your armor.
  11. I got one from Harbor Freight for beans. It came with 3-4 bags of different sized rivets. I used a total of two on my TK leg.
  12. awesome job! i was gonna say I would trim the eyes out a bit more, but it looks like you have already done that.
  13. If that strap was for the thighs, wouldn't it stick out like a sore thumb on all the suits because it was white?
  14. Exactly. Plus it was the 70's and it was a sci-fi movie that everyone thought would flop.
  15. Or you could just buy the real thing for around that price!
  16. Acrylic paint will work, but remember this. You will have to paint multiple layers due to the translucence of the paint. You will also have to seal it. I agree with Seth, you shouldn't seal with a flat. I would paint it with Testors enamel and be done with it. My personal experience with Testors: I thinned it a bit with thinner first. Load up the brush and try to lay the paint down with single strokes. The more you brush the wet paint, the more the likelihood of brush marks. If you get brush marks, let it dry and lightly sand them down with a fine grit sandpaper. Then seal the paint with a satin clear coat applied with a brush.
  17. I knew I shoulda watermarked my images. No, really it's ok. There's a picture somewhere of Luke and his belt has shifted and you can clearly see that the ab is all one piece.
  18. They show up on ebay from time to time.
  19. Looks good! Did sandys have painted ab buttons though?
  20. I never realized what a job it is to make the backpack. You guys amaze me with your talent and ingenuity.
  21. I salute you and your brother. you guys are true heroes.
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